Today, I’d like to introduce you to another set of twins. They are Fraternal twins (two sacs and two placentas,) and entered the World very early. Please meet Daniel and Anna, as described by mother Demetra.
1. Tell us about your babies.
At age 37, I became pregnant with twins in August of 2013. This was a complete surprise, as I have a 12-year-old girl Irene! My doctor said that over 35 years old, women have a high risk of multiple pregnancy. So be it! Everything was going well until 24 weeks when I felt a push and started spotting! I was rushed to WMC in Westchester, NY because they are level 4 NICU and put on bed rest for five days, and then I went into labor.
Daniel and Anna Maria were born 1/25/14 at 1.7 and 1.6 pounds 11.5 inches each! I had never heard about or seen babies this small! I was terrified! I was told my babies had a 2% chance to live, and if they did they might have all sorts of issues.
2. Do you know what caused your premature birth?
I was never given a straight answer as to why this happened to me.
3. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
My little girl was and is a fighter she received everything you can imagine in the NICU! She had no brain bleeds. She is amazing and came home on her due date 5/8/14 at 6 pounds!
My son Daniel although he was stronger than her at about 3 weeks he developed NEC* and the battle for his life began! He fought so hard to live. He has had 3 surgeries! He was ventilated for 6 months! He did not have brain bleeds. My story is super long! He stayed in the hospital over 320 days! He is a true miracle.
4. How are you and your babies doing now?
Anna is on target and has caught up significantly. She receives physical therapy once a week!
Daniel does not require Oxygen. He is crawling and standing. He’s very bright and understands everything.
5. What is your advice to new preemie parents?
My advice to other moms is to be there everyday and be nice to staff and doctors. They deserve it! These people save our kids they are doing God’s work! Be strong because this type of situation will show the true colors of family and friends! Some people will be their for you but not everyone!!! People are weird you will see!
*NEC From Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin:
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious intestinal illness in babies.
- “Necrotizing” means damage and death of cells.
- “Entero” refers to the intestine.
- “Colitis” means inflammation of the colon (lower part of the intestine).
Although NEC may develop in low-risk newborns, 60 to 80 percent of cases occurs in premature babies. NEC occurs in about 10 percent of babies weighing less than 1,500 grams (3 pounds, 5 ounces). It is not clear exactly what causes NEC. It is thought that the intestinal tissues are somehow weakened by too little oxygen or blood flow. When feedings are started and the food moves into the weakened area of the intestinal tract, bacteria from the food can damage the intestinal tissues. The tissues may be severely damaged and die, which can cause a hole to develop in the intestine. This can lead to severe infection in the abdomen.
Thank you for reading about these two amazing babies!
I just love all of these stories 🙂 All of these little babies are so precious <3
What a beautiful story! I am so happy that the babies are doing great today! That is such a blessing, praise God! Found your blog via family bloggers on FB.
What a fascinating story! I’m glad that both babies are doing well. I can’t imagine everything the family has gone through – the ups and downs and ins and outs and having a child in the hospital for over 300 days. God bless you all – and the doctors and staff!
What an amazing story! I had tears in my eyes. To see the little babies fighting, such inspiration. Makes all the little things that you stress about in life really not matter so much.
They are so adorable! I’m so glad they are doing well.
That’s such an intense story. And such beautiful, precious little ones, too!
Thank you for stopping by and reading! 🙂
Favorite Monday Post! What a beautiful family of fighters! Prayers for continuing good health and happiness.
Your little ones are so very precious. xoxo
Another amazing story! Wishing Daniel and Anna all the best. They look so cute and happy.
What sweet babies! That last picture – they’re beautiful!
These stories are so great! My older sister had twins at 27 weeks and they were in the NICU for 72 and 74 days! It’s so inspiring to see stories of all these precious little ones who are doing so well!
I love reading your story, amazing!
Wow, what an intense and amazing story. So much for all of you to be strong through. Thank you for sharing!
Aw, look at all these beautiful babies! My niece was a premie but you couldn’t tell by looking at her now. 🙂 Thank you for sharing Demetra’s story.
Have a great week!
Aw! All three of your kids are so beautiful! I bet Irene is a really good help when it comes to caring for twins. I have heard that correlation between age and the likelihood of having twins before. Very fascinating. Thanks for sharing your story Demetra!
Look at those two cuties! I am so happy they are doing well.
What a beautiful story and the twins are adorable! Both of them are a fighter and you are a very strong woman.
So glad to know the babies are doing better each day. Beautiful children.
How wonderful! I’m not a mom yet, but a 23 year old nanny for twin babies. They are a lot of work, but they bring so much joy to me!
Look at those cuties! Such an inspiring story. I really love reading them 🙂
Love this post. I am mom to 3 preemies. It sure brings back memories.
Wow! I hope they are all doing well now.
It must have been so hard to have Daniel in NICU for almost a year. I am so glad both babies are doing well now!
Great story about the healthy preemie babies. Great to hear how well they are doing.
They are so beautiful!! Glad they are doing well
They are precious!! What an amazing story. So glad to see them so happy and healthy now!
Thank you so much for continuing to feature these sweethearts. My granddaughter is a preemie and they are such fighters!
It’s so heartening to read how they fought through that early arrival! Wahoo!
Aww so much cuteness in one post! Look at all those babies! You have to admire them for putting up with so much at such a young age.
I love these stories – so encouraging and inspiring! Blessings to the families and to you, too!
Sweet sweet babies. I love seeing those smiles on their faces. What incredible survivors!
Awwwwww love seeing the pictures of them now!!!! Glad to see they doing great today.
I love reading these preemie stories because it helps me to appreciate the miracle of childbirth. These families show so much courage and it truly makes me grateful for how my labor and delivery turned out. These babies are beautiful and I’m so glad they are doing well.
Love hear such a good story about such beautiful children. So glad they are doing well!
This was a great story. Both babies are so adorable and I am glad to hear they are doing well.
What a blessing these babies are! These stories are so hard to read because I cannot imagine how scary it must be to go through having a baby in the NICU- I am inspired by how strong these families are!
So darling. I am loving these micro-preemie-monday posts. They just melt me heart.
Cute little ones. Oh my, I can still remember my own kid when he’s still a month old or so.
What beautiful little babes and the stories of life! These little ones have so blessed by the love around them. Wow!
This is such a cool way to share people’s stories!
Thank you!
beautiful story! So glad they are doing well
Oh my goodness they are SO precious! I can’t get over it!
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs