Happy Place When most people think about the NICU, they don't think about a happy place. It can be scary and unknown. However, it is also the place where babies' lives are saved, and where families spend a great deal of time. I'll admit, when my twins were first born, I didn't even want to go to the NICU. I was so afraid of everything about it. The tubes, the wires, the … [Read more...]
Twin Comments: 5 Things That Drive Me Crazy
Twin Comments I totally get it. Twins are unique. It's pretty awesome/weird/amazing/crazy when you see two very similar people walking around. You have questions. You want to say something. But, those twin comments? They sometimes drive me crazy. I say stuff too. Before twins, I probably said some pretty silly stuff or asked some unnecessary questions. So, I'm going to … [Read more...]
Not OK, but Perfect: Luna and Amelia’s Story
Perfect To every parent, their own child is perfect. It doesn't matter what their hair color, their size, or their abilities, when you lock eyes on your baby, all you can see is love. There is also hope. Hope for a bright future, happiness, and everything that they dream of. The NICU can sometimes make you question that future, but it can never take away your sweet … [Read more...]
True Hero: Taylor, Megan, and Stephanie’s Story
True Hero Every Monday, I share with you amazing, miraculous fighters. Micro preemies are the smallest, and often sickest, babies, but they prove again and again how strong they are. However, there is usually at least one other true hero in each story. The siblings of the tiny little miracles are also miraculous themselves. I often think back to our time in the NICU, and … [Read more...]
An Experimental Procedure: Nellie’s Story
Experimental Procedure While medicine has made huge progress in the area of premature birth, there is still so much to learn and so much to understand. Sometimes, doctors don't know what the best option is and an experimental procedure is the best option for survival. In the case of my twins, the doctors could not predict what would happen. They said there was really no … [Read more...]