New Year
Happy New Year! We’re in the second day of 2017, and I feel excited and ready to go. It’s quite a change from how I felt over my impromptu blogging break.
I’m not going to lie. Those last couple weeks of December were really rough.
But, I’m ready to make some plans for this new year, and I wanted to share some of them with you.
First, let me share what’s been going on.
The reason behind the break
Mr. B had 2 ear infections, we all had terrible coughs, and then I got really sick. I honestly can’t remember feeling that bad in a long time. It was brutal.
What started off as a virus, with aches and congestion, turned into a sinus infection. The first round of antibiotics didn’t agree with my body, and I also had what I think was a migraine. Finally, after 2 days of my new antibiotic, I started to feel a little better.
Unfortunately, the migraine happened right on Christmas. I did get to watch the kids open their presents in the wee hours of the morning, and their excitement, wonder, and awe of it all made me really happy.

The constant asking for more presents the rest of the day, the whining about eating breakfast, and the fighting? Not so much.

I started to feel nauseous after breakfast, so I went to lay down. When I got up, it was time to head to my husband’s brothers. The car ride didn’t help the nausea at all. I tried to fight it, but ended up having my husband drive me home…and made it just in time.
I spent the rest of Christmas in bed.
On the mend
Getting sick, and then resting must have helped get rid of the migraine, and by the next day, I was a little better. I did stay in bed most of the day, though.
The rest of the holiday break also involved a lot of rest, medicine, and fluids. Plus, lots of help with the kids.
Even with all of their new toys, they are masters at finding something to fight about. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t counting the hours until school starts. I think my husband was skipping to his car to go to work this morning.
I would say I’m about 85% better physically. I still have some sinus pain and pressure, and my energy levels are not what they normally are. But, I’m definitely better, and was able to enjoy New Year’s Eve with some wonderful friends.
Speaking of which…
New Year: New Plan
In this new year, I’ve decided that I need to come up with plan. Actually, multiple plans.
Blogging Schedule
First, I need a better blogging schedule. I have limited time to work, since the twins only go to school for a few hours twice a week…and they have given up naps most of the time. Unless I bribe them with some sugary, magical treat, it’s next to impossible to get them to willingly lay down. Then, I have to lay down with them and tell them to go to sleep every 5 minutes until they finally settle down. By that time, I’m so exhausted, I fall asleep too, so no work gets done anyways.
So, the first part of the plan is find a blogging schedule that I can stick to. I want to be consistent with posting, but not stress myself out.
Get Organized at Home
Next, I want to come up with a cleaning plan. I wouldn’t really say schedule because I’m not ready for that! I need to get rid of some clutter, and get more organized. When the dishes, laundry, and toys all start to pile up, I get so overwhelmed and want to just hide from the mess.
We got some new storage containers and shelving, so that will be helpful. I’m not going to share before pictures, but I might share some after ones. We’ll see.
Stay Healthy
Finally, I want to come up with a food/health plan.
Since being sick, my eating and working out has not been so good. I had to eat whatever didn’t make me feel sick or taste funny these last few weeks. I also spent so much time in bed, that even walking into the grocery store the other day felt like a workout.
I need to figure out some new meals for both me and my family, figure out a meal planning/shopping schedule, and also figure out my gym schedule again. My husband wants to get back to working out, and he also got me a fitness tracker, which are both great motivators for me.
So, that’s my plan for the New Year. No real resolutions, just action.
How about you? What do you have planned for the New Year?
I’m glad to hear you’re mostly feeling better! The past two weeks have been rough for me too, I’m glad to see the end of 2016 go. I love your goals for the new year, many of them are similar to mine! Hopefully we can stay on track!
I love this plan! Sometimes a little structure can help us get right back on track!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I’ve been sick on Christmas and it is not much fun! Your new plan sounds a lot like mine. Blogging schedule is definitely on the top of my to-dos!
Clothes & Quotes
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Sinus infections are horrible. I have similar goals for the year. I’m excited for the fresh start in the new year!
Oh no!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Sinus infections and migraines suck! I too have slacked off on working out recently with the holidays and then going on vacation. I will be getting back into some type of routine this week. I too am taking small steps at organizing my home. It’s gotten a little messy recently and it needs to get back into shape. Here’s to a new year and us accomplishing what we have set out for us!
Glad that you are felling *mostly* better and I hope you have an awesome 2017!
The stomach bug hit our house over Christmas break and only my husband made it through unscathed! One kid had it 3 days before Christmas, the other got it Christmas night and I got it the 27th. Terrible!! Anyway, this year I also need to figure out some sort of cleaning routine or schedule and as usual I need to work on exercising and eating healthier!
Oh man, that’s rough though! Ugh it stinks to be so sick over Christmas! My husband and I both got really nasty colds after a 14 hour travel day and spent the next week battling it and then traveling 14 hours home again haha ugh!
Also, love your goals for the year! I’m a huge proponent of getting clean and organized, so I wish you the best of luck! It feels SO good!