27 weeks
Welcome to another Micro Preemie Monday! Today, you’ll meet an amazing fighter who was born at just 27 weeks.
His birth, and the circumstances leading up to it, were completely unexpected. As a first-time mom, Jessica, didn’t know what to do or what would happen. Luckily, she got some great care, and gave birth to one strong boy.
I’m so happy to introduce you to Christopher, as told by his mom, Jessica.
1. Tell us about your baby.
Christopher Jason was born at 27 weeks. He weighed 1 lb 13 oz and was 13 1/2 inches.
2. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
Our NICU stay was 78 days. He came home exactly 2 weeks before his due date.
At 3 days old, they put in a chest tube because of an air pocket in his chest preventing his lungs from fully expanding.
They sent us home on a heart monitor, but was told to only use it during “high risk times” (sleeping, car rides) after a month of being home. Before that it had to be on 24/7 besides bath.
3.Do you know what caused your premature birth?
At 26 weeks, I was in a car accident. I went into the hospital to make sure the baby was OK. My blood pressure was 200/100. They got it down and sent me home.
The next morning I woke up with a severe headache, so I went back and my blood pressure was super high again. They started doing all types of tests and found protein in my urine. I had preeclampsia.
It was out of nowhere because my blood pressure had always been normal. This was my first pregnancy, so I didn’t know what to do.
4.How are you and your baby doing now?
My son is doing amazing. He is 18 months tomorrow.
Christopher is ridiculously smart. He has literally been totally healthy since coming home. He was cleared from cardiology, pulmonology, audiology, and ophthalmology doctors. We’re just trying to learn to walk.
Lynette says
Such an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing this moms story!
Emily Anne says
What a scary time for both mom and baby but so glad to see how well he’s doing now!! Thanks for sharing this story!
Jennifer Dockey Seislove says
What a precious little gift!
Shybiker says
What a lovely story. Glad he’s doing well.
Natural Beauty with Baby says
What an amazing story of this little fighter! So glad he’s doing so well. Isn’t it amazing?
Shann Eva says
Yes! Thank you!
Shell says
Your story touches my heart because I’m also Mama to a preemie baby… We were in the NICU for several months and so I very much relate to you… 💙💙💙
Shann Eva says
I hope your baby is doing OK now.
Jasmine Hewitt says
this is so scary but I’m so glad you guys are doing well! he’s beautiful!
Jennifer Brock says
So glad your little on is doing well! He is so precious
Shann Eva says
Thank you for all your support Charlotte. And I completely agree about the technology…and the amazing doctors and nurses 🙂