The end of my Thirties
My thirties are rapidly coming to an end.
I’ve been seeing tons of bucket lists. I even made some myself for my family this Summer and Fall (which you can see HERE and HERE.) I’ve also seen a really unique list called 101 things to do in 1001 days. It seemed like a cool idea, but that seemed like such a long commitment to me. With my “mommy” brain, I figured I would forget a list that long, so I came up with my own version.
On September 7th, I started the last year of my thirties. Gasp. I’m going to see if I can accomplish these 30 things before my thirties are over.
Some of these are blog related, some of these are personal, but all are about me. Obviously, my family is always a part of everything I do, but these are solo goals. So, here we go…in no particular order:
- Finish an Aerobic or Zumba class feeling like I could teach it (instead of being all red-faced and gasping for air!)
- Take a Girl’s trip (No kids or boys allowed.)
- See 3 Non-cartoon movies in the theater.
- Drink the recommended amount of water each day for a week.
- Submit my writing to 4 major Online sources.
- Raise more money for the March for Babies than our team did last year.
- Plan and write my blog posts for two weeks in advance at least one time.
- Reach 3000 Facebook Followers on the Blog (If you haven’t liked yet, you can help me out HERE.)
- Change the design of my blog to something really cool (or at least to something I think looks really cool.)
- Be a successful President of my Twin’s Club.
- Attend the Third Annual Walker and Willis Walk to Fight TTTS (I’m super bummed we didn’t make it last year.)
- Take a trip to Minnesota to see some friends.
- Meet some of my favorite bloggers in person (Who’s with me?!?! Conference? Meet-up somewhere fun?)
- Fit into my Junior Prom Dress one last time (even if I can’t breathe when it’s zipped up.)
- Have a game night.
- Throw a party.
- Watch the final season of Son’s of Anarchy (I haven’t been able to finish season 6 yet because I’m too sad it’s ending.)
- Write a couple of letters to friends instead of emails.
- Clean out my closet (for real!)
- Perform on stage again.
- Try to learn to knit or crochet (again.)
- Try to learn to quilt.
- See at least 3 concerts.
- See at least 1 Play or Dance Production
- Go ice skating
- Do a blog, Periscope, or Instagram challenge and FINISH it.
- Work on Scrapbooks or memory boxes for the twins.
- Run 3 miles (in a row.)
- Do a Fashion post on the blog.
- Actually make a few of the healthy and/or yummy things I’ve pinned on Pinterest.
Well, that’s the list. Can you think of anything I might want to try? I’m definitely willing to substitute or even add-on. All suggestions welcome!
Many of the list is match to my list. Specially 2 and 7.
I just turned 38. So looks like I need to start my list soon!! Great idea.
Yes! Thanks!
THis is a really great list!!! I might have to make my own list – my birthday is tomorrow; he timing is perfect!
Nice! You definitely should!
This sounds awesome, you have me wanting to go write a list for myself now.
Cool! You should!
This is a great list! I have a 30 by 30 on my blog, too, but I’ve still got more than 5 years to accomplish everything, so some of my goals are a little more involved. These all seem completely doable in a year, if you stick to it– and hey, you might get 30 new blog posts out of it, too! Best of luck!!
Oh wait, I just realized it’s a TEN year list. Ha! I read that wrong the first time. All the better! You’re going to rock it!
No, you were right the first time. Only one year. I wish there was 10! 🙂
Thank you!
I Struggle with water intake too everyday, and I’m a dietitian! It’s hard! And definitely make some recipes from Pinterest! 🙂
Honestly, I think you have a great list already and that certainly are goals that could be reached before the end of your 30’s! I like the writing handwritten letters.
Thank you so much!
I think this is an awesome list and totally doable! I love that you have handwritten letters on there… I need to do something like that!
Thank you!
I love this list! I laughed when I read the Prom dress one! I want to fit back into mine too!! 🙂 Plus I have the same problem – I pin everything on pinterest – but actually make very few that is one of my goals for this holiday season lol – actually do one of the DIY’s or meals I have pinned already!
I know! Everything looks so great, but that’s as far as I get. If you get back into your prom dress, I want a picture!!!! 🙂
Number 2 is the greatest thing 🙂 and I am with you on number 28. lol Good luck finishing up your 30’s
Thank you! Now I just need to make them happen 🙂
My mom is an amazing quilter! I tried once but got overwhelmed and became a baby just picking out the fabric. I sat down in the middle of the store and told her to take over. It was quite the experience!
Ha ha! That sounds like something I would do 🙂
These are AWESOME goals! I love that you want to be comfortable enough to teach an exercise class and the writing real letters one 🙂 . I always love receiving mail, but it is so easy to forget to put something in the mail!!
Yes! I’m hoping this will remind me! 🙂
Minnesota!! We have family there 🙂 definitely do that make time for your friends 🙂
I do find some of your goals definitely reachable, but some of them, dont’ be too hard on yourself if you can’t accomplish it.
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
I love this list! You inspire me to make some goals. These are just so fun! It will be so fun to check over them next year and see how you did or how close you came! Fantastic idea! BTW, 30 is not so terrible. Can’t speak on 40, I’m not there yet and don’t want to be! 🙂
I am with you on number 14 coz really wish l could put on that dress and see if my husband still have that same look on his face when he saw me for the first time on that day…
Awe. That’s so sweet that you went to the prom with your now husband! 🙂
I love reading everyone’s list. I just created my goal list for fall and a couple months ago I did the 101 goals in 1001 days. I recommend you write one. It was a challenging list to make but so much fun
Thanks! I’ll think about it, but I don’t know if I have it in me 🙂
What an amazing list of this to accomplish before you hit your forties. I really need to make one to hit before I turn thirty. Now that it’s only 2 years away. Thank you for sharing this with us.
You’re welcome. Thanks for reading!
such a great list! hope you are able to enjoy all of them! #19 made me laugh because {for real!} is hard for me/and is something i need to do so bad- good luck!!!
Thank you!
Sounds like you have lots of fun things to do in your near future. Ice skating is FUN!
I have a pair of skates just calling my name from the closet.
So many great goals! I love the one about taking a girls trip, and the one about submitting your writing to 4 online sources. Believe in yourself! This is something that I have been wanting to do as well.
Thank you so much! You too!
I loved #14. The Jr Prom Dress. I snorted:) Great list!
Hee hee. Thank you! 🙂
Wow! Very exciting! As always you have the best goals! I love game nights! We try to do them at least once a month! I also have the same goal of not being red-faced and puffing at the end of a workout class!
Awe. Thank you! Wish we could have a game night together 🙂
I’m with you, I don’t think I could remember a 1,001 Day long list long enough to actually finish it! I don’t have that long of an attention span. I would love to learn to quilt someday. I always meant to start learning when I had a sewing machine, but then I moved and got rid of my sewing machine…maybe someday I’ll get another one.
Yes, the 40 was hard enough! Thank you!
I turned 40 3 years ago…. You should def do the snail mail, there’s nothing quite like it. I love sending and receiving it 🙂
Me too! Thank you!
Wow what a great list!! Do you have any ideas of how you want to redesign your blog layout? I’ve always been into being fit, but I have a hard time running any distance. If you have any suggestions on how to run 3 miles, let me know!
I wish I knew the answer to either or both of those 🙂 If I figure it out, I’ll let you know 🙂
These are all great things! I would love to meet up with some bloggers one day. I haven’t really found any that are near my area at this time. I’d love to attend a blogging conference one day. Girls trips are so much fun. I know that you can accomplish all of these. 🙂 I will be working on a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30 soon.
Awesome! Thank you!
These are awesome goals! My friend got me a bucket list journal and told me to try and do “30 before 30” so I’ve come up with 30 things I want to try and accomplish before I turn 30. I’ve got 2 1/2 years to do it so I better accomplish it!
Oh…I love the idea of a journal for them. Thanks! And I’m sure you’ll accomplish yours!
I just hit 50 and have not made a list. I need to find time to make the list first
I must say, turning 40 was the hardest thing for me. Try the fashion post on the blog. It will help you see that you are pretty and turning 40 is no big deal 🙂
Awe. Thank you so much!
Shann first I want to say that you look stunning!! We need a post about all your beauty secrets 🙂 Then I turned the big 4-0 myself this year in May, and I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish
Awe. Thank you so much. You’re too sweet.
and have by the time I turned 40. I did a lot of them and I have to say it was a great way to celebrate this birthday! Wishing you all the best with your list <3
So glad to hear you accomplished a lot of them too! 🙂
Awesome list! I’m sure you can accomplish it all! I should make a list of goals for the year, but right now I’m just trying to take a shower! lol
The Cuteness
Ha ha! I should have added that to the list 🙂
Great list!
Sarah Noel |
Love this list! I’m doing a Fall bucket list tomorrow 🙂 Now, let’s see…I love the meet up idea! I think that would be awesome to meet all the bloggers we talk to all the time. Also, Son’s of Anarchy…omg…I put off watching the last season for so long because I knew I was gonna need grief counseling when it was over LOL! I was so sad it was over. Let me not hog the comments, I love this list 😉
Hooray for a meet-up! 🙂 I’m still talking myself into SOA. Thanks for your comments 🙂
Love the list! Number 3 is my favorite. Since I don’t have kids I do not need to worry about that 🙂
Very true. Thank you!
This is a great list! I love me some lists. Run 3 miles in a row…Me too girl, me too! LOL
Yeah, that’s going to be a tough one!
I love this idea only I’m in my 40’s…so I might have to come up with something similar. Love the one where it says see 3 non-cartoon movies.
Seriously! Are there any other kind? 😉
I also love the 100 in 1001 but I feel like it’s too much and I was grasping at what to add to it and quit.
Girl, if you want to drink the recommended amount of water, put at least 2 liters in bottles and make a point to drink that every day, no ifs, ands or buts.
OH MY GOSH girl! Get on Sons of Anarchy!! It’s sad that it’s over but the last season is incredibly well written. I LOVE Kurt Sutter. <3
You have all very attainable/achievable things.. I have faith you'll cross them all off and if not that, most. Good luck girl! 🙂
Thank you Lindsay! 🙂
I just turned 32 last week and I feel like I really need to make a list like this. I really want to DO things in my 30s and not just sit around waiting for the future.
Totally. 🙂
I love the list! I’m thinking a good one to add would be travelling to a crazy exotic place and going completely off the grid!
Yes! That sounds awesome!
This is a great list! Definitely some things I need to accomplish as well! You can do it! Can’t wait to hear if you did them all!
Thank you!
This is so awesome Shann! I think it’s so cool of you to do this. I’m sure you’ll accomplish them! I’m way passed 30 but this would be great to do when I hit 50…which is in 5 years.
You go girl!
This is a great list! YESS to feeling like you could teach a Zumba class…I always want to hide in a corner so no one can see me 😉 And how much would I love to go to a blogging conference! Maybe next year.
Yeah, I look pretty crazy in Zumba, but it’s still fun 🙂
Im a 28 now, these things I should have too lol.
Wonderful idea to do this list! I am sure your list for the next decade celebration will be even more awesome! 🙂
Awe. Thank you!
I love, love, love this idea! I learned to knit last year and would love to help you out. It’s much easier to learn if you start with a very basic pattern. I learned by making dish cloths.
Great idea! I need all the help I can get! 🙂
great list ! i need to start doing this too. Create a goal and make a wish 🙂 Dream big!
Exactly. Thank you!
What a fun list! I hope you finish it within the time line that you set. Don’t forget to keep us updated!
Thank you! I will!
Ha, cute list! Time flies. Keep us updated on how your are doing on your list!
Thank you! I will!
I would never be able to fit in any of my dresses from high school! I applaud you on doing this and I hope you can check everything off the list!
I never, ever thought I would, but I’m getting closer every day. Thank you!
This is a great list. I love the goals you have listed. I should do something like this, too.
Thank you! Yes, you should!
This is a great list! I’ve got a 40 before I’m 40 list… that I’ve crossed 2 things off in the last 2 years! LOL I’ve still got 8 years to complete it… but I’m gonna have to get my butt in gear!
Ha! It must be some list! Do you have it on your blog?
You’re inspiring me to write my ideas down too. I usually think of them and they flit right out of my head immediately afterwards.
Ha! I have to write them down or I would totally forget too.
I LOVE that you have a short term bucket list!! They say that people that write down their goals have a much higher percentage of reaching them! P.S. I just turned 30 and I LOVE THIS AGE! XoXo <3
Thank you so much!
I always start challenges with great intentions, but have problems following through as well!
I’m hoping this keeps me more accountable 🙂
Love your list! Especially the ice skating. So much fun.
Thank you!
This is a really great list! I’m in my 30’s so I may add some of these to this season of my life. I’d personally like to travel more but with small kids that difficult right now. Reaching 3000 followers on your blog sounds like a great goal. I need to drink more water.
Travel is definitely difficult with little ones.
I can definitely help you with the fashion post as I excel in that area. It sounds like you have a long list to get through but good luck I know that you can do it!
Thank you Ana! I appreciate that. 🙂
Im a huge fan of lists like this! I love girls trips 🙂
This is such a great list! Best of luck to you on checking it all off! And your goal about your jr prom dress is impressive! One of my long term goals is to be able to get back into my wedding dress at some point after having kids… we’ll see haha No way my jr prom dress is going to fit again.
Hmmmm…now you’ve got me thinking about my wedding dress. I’ll have to try that one on 🙂
This is so great! I love some of these ideas. Especially the making some pinterest recipes and a girls trip. 🙂 You’ve definitely inspired a lot of people to do the same (as can be seen by the comments above), but you’ve definitely got another here. I think I may try this out as well! Great idea!
Awesome! Thank you!
This is a great list! I would love to get ahead on blogs posts by 2 weeks.. I just dont see that ever happening for me! ha!
Yeah. I’m not exactly sure what I was thinking….dreaming 😉
Yes! Take that girl’s trip! You need it! All adult women (especially mom’s) do!
I really hope so!
Great list! I just turned 31 and I think I should make a list too. Zumba is a killer though. lol
It is!
Great list 😉 When you figure out #7 please let me know. It’s one of my goals all the time but it never happens. Hello Life! I want to learn how to knit or crochet, too. I bought the yarn yesterday to arm knit a scarf then left it in my mom’s car. If this is any indication of how it’s going to go then I’m not sure about it. LOL. I love goal 18. I’m always trying to send more cards and letters to friends and family in the mail. I know it makes everyone feel good to get a handwritten note these days instead of just bills and junk mail.
Ha ha! Too funny about the yarn. If I complete #7, I will for sure let you know how I’m able to do it.
This is a great list! I need to make one too! I have lists for everything lol
I love this list. I laughed at seeing movies that aren’t cartoons. I don’t even know what that would feel like LOL.
I know, right?
That is such a great list! I also need to make more things from my Recipes to Try board and move them over (hopefully) to Tried It, Liked it. : 0 )
Exactly! 🙂
That’s a great list! I found myself in several of them, and the hardest is always to plan girls trip..something always happens.
Agreed. I really hope I can make it happen 🙂
I’m 29 too. haha I don’t know if I could get to all of these things on this list though! It’s a big list! I like the idea of a girls’ trip though.
I enjoyed your list, you have some good intentions! I should attempt a similar list cuz that’s a cool idea! Helps clearly map out some goals, which is an area I need help in…so thanks for the motivation!
I definitely need to drink more water as well!
This is awesome. I have a bucket list as well. Mine is just things I’d like to do before I leave this earth. I love the idea of doing the 30 before 30! I might need to try this! Thanks for the idea! LifeAsLex
#3 is great! I did watch the last episode of SOA but it took me 3 weeks to do it. 🙁 This is an awesome list. I may find myself doing this in a couple of years.
I just can’t bring myself to say goodbye to Jax 😉 Thank you!
oh number 17! It was such a great show, and I binge watch on Netflix from time to time when I’m having Jax Teller withdrawals, haha.
Definitely need to join you on #19, ugh
#26 is something I have trouble with too! I always start and a few days into the challenge I just fall off..
Great list! I may have to do a list like this pretty soon for my last year in my 20’s. 🙂
thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading!
This is such a great list. I’m making my 30 before 30 list and we have quite a few things in common. I hope to get to meet some of my blogging friends someday and I have yet to finish a Periscope challenge. Life happens and before I know it I have missed a week.
Exactly! yes!
I LOVE bucket lists! I had one (100 Things to Do Before 22) when I was in college. I got pretty far through it but didn’t finish it–maybe I’ll extend it to 32!
I like your list! I’m a list maker too. Great ideas!
What a fun list, love this! Good luck crossing everything off, you got this!
Thank you!
This is such a great list! I love it!
Great list! I believe we have to be intentional about our lives with a healthy dose of spontaneity.
I need one of these lists for myself! This is awesome 🙂
Awww, I love this list so much 🙂 Hope you are able to see a few non-cartoony movies in the theater AND take a girls trip (those are always fun, huh?) Just “liked” your page–so bringing you closer to 3K 🙂 XOXO
Thank you so much! Really appreciate the support 🙂
Haha love the list!!!! A lot of these are very doable!!! Good luck and I hope you accomplish as many as you can!!!
What an awesome list!? I love how you would drink the recommended intake of water for just a week! LOL Water only seemed easy to drink during pregnancy for me! Now I’m dehydrated again! But back to you! Will skydiving be before you turn 40 next time!? 😀 Best of luck with meeting each and every one! Hope to see what you checked off! (maybe that can be a post for that 2 week ahead of time goal! 🙂
No skydiving for me EVER. 😉
I love having lists like this of things that i want to do by certain ages! i am working on trying to visit all 50 states by the time I’m 30
I just liked your Facebook page. Hope it helps with #8 😉
Great list, good luck with all your challenges!
Having a kid free trip sounds so wonderful! Good luck with your list!
I love your goal, and i will thirties, and i have a lot of thing which i don’t do
Betsy Todd |