The VW Bus is a prominent fixture in our family. It all started with my husband, Andy, who is an owner of a VW Bus and also a member of a bus club. When we were dating, and even after we were first married, I'd accompany him on camping trips and outings in the bus. Now that we have the boys, we don't use the bus as much. It doesn't have seatbelts in the backseats, so if we … [Read more...]
Eight is Great
Eight It was a Tuesday eight years ago when I first met you. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday, while at others, I really can't believe you are 8-years-old. It hasn't all been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't even put into words how much I love you. Instead, in honor of your eighth birthday, I'm going to share 8 fantastic things about you, Mr. … [Read more...]
LuLaRoe Fashion for Try It Tuesday
LuLaRoe Have you heard of the Fashion company LuLaRoe? I kept hearing so many great things about their leggings, like how soft and comfortable they are, so when my friend Danielle messaged and asked if I wanted to try some pieces out, I was super excited. I've always loved clothing, but as a mom now, I tend to go for more comfort than fashion these days. Since LuLaRoe's … [Read more...]
30 things before the end of my thirties
The end of my Thirties My thirties are rapidly coming to an end. I've been seeing tons of bucket lists. I even made some myself for my family this Summer and Fall (which you can see HERE and HERE.) I've also seen a really unique list called 101 things to do in 1001 days. It seemed like a cool idea, but that seemed like such a long commitment to me. With my "mommy" brain, I … [Read more...]
Star Wars Inspired Party Favors
Star Wars Inspired Party Favors Star Wars inspired party favors were a must when we had Mr. B's 6th birthday party. With the release of the new movie, Star Wars is everywhere now. You can see the whole re-cap of our Star Wars Inspired party , including the birthday party review HERE, plus all the food HERE. Today, I wanted to share the 2 different Star Wars Inspired Party … [Read more...]