I know I’m a couple of days late for a Halloween review, but I wanted to start the week, and November, off with something very important. Micro Preemie Mondays are always important, but in case you weren’t aware, November is Premature Birth Awareness Month. I will be reminding you of that pretty often! I want to thank everyone that came to the blog yesterday to read about Lucky Ball the Fighter. Lucky is still fighting strong in the NICU, so please continue to send good thoughts and prayers. We will make sure to check in with his Mom, Holly, very soon.
Halloween Review
Now, back to my Halloween review. First, how was your Halloween weekend? Did you do anything fun? Dress-up? We had a rough start, but it turned into a great Halloween. We had a family workout, two parties, and Trick or Treat all planned for Saturday. Fun…yes. Too much fun….let’s find out. Here’s my Halloween review.
Everyone was up early and very excited about going to the “Party.” My twins associate the word “Party” with cake, so for them that’s the real celebration. Me and my husband wanted to get a workout in before all the fun began, so we headed to the gym. The kids even got to make Halloween crafts in the childcare, which was so cute.
After that, we headed home to get ready to party. This is where I learned a few lessons. These lessons should (and will) be used for future Halloween planning.
Lessons Learned
1. My Kids actually like wearing costumes (just like me!)
You know how some kids you have to force into wearing a costume or bribe them with candy to get them to wear the hat? Not my boys. They loved it. As I mentioned, we had a party to go to in the afternoon, but they wanted to get them on right away in the morning. I did have them wait because I didn’t want the novelty to wear off. Here are the twins “posing” for me as Spooky Spiders.

2. My Husband is pretty good at DIY costumes
I pretty much already knew this from his Charlie Brown costume he made a few years ago, but this one he pulled together in record time. Including a stop at Walgreen’s, I would say it only took about 30 minutes.
Don’t worry. I will get to his costume, but not before lesson #3.
3. When dressing your family in a theme, make it E-A-S-Y
I seriously thought I was being really creative, and that everyone would understand the connection between all of our costumes. I was WRONG. I had one person that actually knew who I was dressed as, and everyone else I had to explain our entire family. Here’s a picture, and you see if you can guess.
OK. That’s not a full shot of me or my husband, so here’s another.
Any guesses? It was all Spider related! My two spooky spiders, Spiderman, a Spider web, and the Black Widow (which is also a type of Spider) from The Avengers. No? OK. Next time, I’ll make it simpler.
4. It’s hard to drive in Costume
Luckily, both parties were in our neighborhood, but it was raining and cold, so we drove to the first one. Don’t worry. All children were strapped in by the time we started moving. And I’m still horrible at selfies.
5. Maybe only attend one party per day.
The first party we attended started at 1 pm. The twins still nap (on a good day) around 2 pm, so with all of the excitement and people around, they hit the wall. Whining, crying, tantruming, you name it. I left my husband and oldest, got them home, took off their costumes, and they were asleep within 2 minutes.
I was a little bummed to miss the party, but then I decided to lay down too. A nap for mom is never a bad thing.
When the twins woke up, we headed over to our neighbor’s house for the second party. Again, the start was a little rough because the twins had just woken up. Once they found a few toys and a few pieces of candy, all was right with the World. Then, they found out we were going door-to-door to get more candy, and I don’t even have the words to describe how happy they were.
Seriously. They haven’t let their treat buckets out of their site since. ย Luckily, they don’t know how to unwrap it. Unluckily, my bigger guy will just eat through the paper if I’m not watching.
Did you have a fun Halloween? How did your costume turn out? I want details and pictures!
Hahaha! Love the spider webs and your costume! That is hilarious!
Love the costumes! Happy November ๐
I love your costumes, and especially that you all stuck with the spider cruise. So cute!!!!
Great costumes!!! Due to the weather we stayed in this year. Which I was okay with. Maybe next year we will do something exciting.
You guys look great! Love the family theme you have going on. We didn’t dress up this year and I feel a little bummed about it, so next year, definitely!
Clothes & Quotes
Your costumes turned out awesome! I love how you all did the same theme!
The Costumes are great! I can definitely understand taking a nap yourself after all of that too!
I just wanted you to know…I totally guessed Black Widow. I think your costumes were awesome!
Awe. Thank you!
Aww, I love the costumes. Your Black Widow looks awesome! I can’t believe people didn’t get the spider connections.
Thank you!
What cute little spiders! I firmly believe that DIY costumes can be awesome without much effort. Love ’em!
Great costumes! It’s a family affair! These are just too cute… I know the boys enjoyed it. I will keep the little one in my prayers…
Love the costumes! And it made me laugh when you said they will eat through the wrapper if you’re not looking ha
Oh, if only I was kidding…
This is great! I love you guys’ costumes! This year for Halloween Reagan was a witch, Edison was Dr. Doom, my husband was Jason Voorhees, and I was Jason’s victim complete with gore lol. It was awesome!
Love it! I know I saw your kids, but not sure if I saw you. I’ll have to go to your page and check. ๐
Aw… I LOVE Halloween! I even dress up my cat (for the 3 seconds that she can handle it!)…
xx, Karen
Nice ๐
Your family looked GREAT! I’m a few days late with my recap, too. Such is life!
I’m loving the spider costumes! It’s great that you all stuck to one theme!
Aww, this look super fun! We were so boring this year and didn’t do anything for Halloween, no costumes or anything!
There’s always next year! I didn’t dress up the past 2 years, so this year I really wanted to. ๐
Your costumes are awesome! I love family themes!! I’m glad your Halloween ended well! We went to an air show because my guy decided he’s too big to trick or treat and dress up this year.
Oh….an air show sounds like a lot of fun!
My son was Charlie Brown this year- perfect for a kiddo that doesn’t like dressing up (he’s 3). I like your fam’s costumes, I totally “got” it! ๐
Thank you ๐ I LOVE that your son was Charlie Brown!
Hey Shann,
It sounds like you guys had a great time.
It’s so cool that you’re sharing the inspiration behind your life with your kids. I can tell you have a lot of fun using creativity in how you plan all of these events.
Yes! Thank you so much Dana!
What a clever theam
Loving all the costumes! Glad you guys had an awesome Halloween!
Thank you!
I got your theme and love it! Very creative. The costumes look awesome. Our kids love to wear costumes too. We also do a theme and, while it is a lot of work, I think it’s worth it. This will only last so long until they want to do their own thing. : )
Love the costumes Shann! You all looked great and you are one hot mama :). Ours was a rainy Halloween but the grandkids still had a lot of fun and so did the adults. I didn’t dress up but I might next year :).
Thanks for sharing your Halloween with us!
This is hilarious! The best lesson you learned was the driving in a costume! You never think about that part, right! Thanks for sharing!
It looks like you had a blast!!!
Hey Shann, I loved the costume of the Ben as a Spider Man and the twins looked adorable as always. Your costume is fabulous but you looked little tired managing everyone. Glad to hear that the kids had a great time and enjoyed a lot on Halloween. ๐
Haha I love this! Their costumes are super cute too! It looks like you all had a great weekend! ๐
Your little ones are so cute! And I agree..driving in costumes is so hard and fitting our little kiddos in those car seats with their costumes is practically impossible! lol
What adorable Spider Crew costumes! I love learning how other families enjoy celebrating Halloween. Thanks for letting us take a peek at what you and your family did for this fun occasion. ๐
Dressing up in princess dresses, superhero capes and other fun costumes is an every day event in my house. So Halloween was super exciting because my 3 year old got to wear her costume OUTSIDE! (Something I don’t allow because I just know she’ll get it so dirty and they are like impossible to clean). She is still talking about getting candy from the neighborhood so now I have to have the “don’t take candy from strangers” talk with her, lol!
Looks like such a fun Halloween! You really can’t beat Halloween with kids.
โโxx katie // A Touch of Teal
Loving your costumes! So cute:) it looks like your kids had a blast.
Awww such cute costumes!!!! Halloween was pretty cold here in WNY but we survived and had fun trick or treating!
Awwww, your costumes all came out great! Love the spider theme AND your hubby’s Charlie Brown costume from a few years ago–that’s some awesome DIY action right there ๐ I think themed family costumes are the cutest!
Thank you!
I love the costumes, fun theme.
So cool…Again, you are one cool mom!
Oh my goodness these are awesome costumes! I love that they all tie together. ๐
We had many family themed costumes come by our house. It was so fun to see