Twin Boy Party 6 years home from the NICU. No re-admittance. Normal development. Time to celebrate with a Twin Boy Party...or as we like to call it a NICUversary! Since the twins birth was traumatic for me, I'm more in the mood to celebrate their homecoming than their actual birth. The twins certainly don't mind, since they get double the presents each year. This was the … [Read more...]
No Yelling Challenge: Changing Bad Behavior
Yelling Before I became a parent, I was a relatively calm person. Sure, I had my moments, but I've never yelled so much in my life until having children. Now, if I can make it through the day...heck, if I can make it through a couple of hours without yelling, it's a miracle. If you've read this blog before, you know I've wrestled with Mom Guilt over the yelling. I try so … [Read more...]
Dr. Seuss Party, NICUversary #4
Dr. Seuss Party A Dr. Seuss Party theme is pretty popular for twin birthdays. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are twins after all! Since we don't usually have a traditional party around their actual birthday, we went with a Dr. Seuss Party theme for their 4th NICUversary. This past August 1st and 3rd marks the fourth year that they've been out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at our … [Read more...]
Everyone loves a Parade…except me
Parade Since it's Memorial Day weekend, we will be headed to the annual Memorial Day Parade. We actually started this tradition when the twins were in the hospital. We wanted to find something fun to do to distract ourselves, and our 2-year-old Mr. B, at the time. It worked. We enjoyed the sunshine, the bands, and the crowds at our first Memorial Day Parade. So much so, … [Read more...]
A Halloween Review
I know I'm a couple of days late for a Halloween review, but I wanted to start the week, and November, off with something very important. Micro Preemie Mondays are always important, but in case you weren't aware, November is Premature Birth Awareness Month. I will be reminding you of that pretty often! I want to thank everyone that came to the blog yesterday to read about Lucky … [Read more...]