I like to keep busy. I always have. I feel good and productive when I have a lot going on. This can be a challenge as a stay-at-home mom. Of course, I’m always busy changing diapers, chasing them around trying to get them to eat a banana, and stopping them from throwing choo-choo trains at each other’s heads, but there’s not that immediate acknowledgement of a job well done. There’s no pay check at the end of the week, or employee of the month parking space. There aren’t even any “thank yous” for keeping the babies fed, dry, and somewhat entertained at the end of the day. (By the actual babies, I mean. My husband does say thank you…sometimes. Kidding, honey.)
But, that’s ok. I just need to find other outlets and activities.
So, one of the things I do is write this blog. I can write after the babies go to sleep, or sneak in a few minutes while they are watching Choo Choo aka Thomas the Train. It’s nice to have something for me, even though it’s mostly about them.
I also have joined a couple clubs, which allow me to get out of the house a few nights a month. I’ve joined a Book Club, which is awesome. I love to read, so this allows me to read books I’ve never even heard of, plus there’s the adult conversation. And the wine.
Another club is the Waukesha Mothers of Twins Club. It’s really nice to be a part of such a nice group of ladies that understand what it’s like to have twins. It also gives me a chance to help with fundraisers and events. Our current event, the Fall Rummage Sale, has been keeping me extremely busy. I never realized how many clothes I’d been saving. Or the massive amount of time it takes to hang and tag all those clothes. I’m really proud of myself, though. I’ve been doing a little bit each night, so I don’t freak out on Thursday and have to stay up all night. My progress so far…
One last thing I love to do is plan a party. Party planning lets me combine two other things I love, shopping and arts and crafts. I like to find a theme well in advance, then I go a little crazy. But crazy while still saving money. I stock up on supplies for future parties all the time when there is something awesome on clearance. Let’s just say that someone is having a Toy Story party sometime in the next couple years whether they like it or not. I then like to make signs and banners and pictures. I’m not saying I’m a great artist or anything, but it is a great stress reliever to cut and paste and draw. I also love to make theme gift bags, and custom party hats. My son’s 5th birthday is coming up, and as soon as I’m done with the rummage, it’s go time. Here are few pics from last year:
If you don’t have kids or haven’t seen it or can’t guess from the pictures, the theme was Monster’s Inc. I’ll give you a sneak peak of the next one soon.
Also, if you’re in the area, please feel free to stop by the Rummage and buy a ton of stuff. The details:
Friday, September 26th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, September 27th from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at The Excellence Center, N4 W22000 Bluemound Road (on the corner of Springdale and Bluemound – across the street from Sam’s Club). There is a $2 entrance fee to shop on Friday. Free entry on Saturday. Credit Cards will be accepted!
ps. You don’t need to be a twin, have twins, or even know twins to shop at the rummage. Plenty of toys, clothes, baby gear, household items for everyone.
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