Ask Away Thursday
Welcome to our 2nd Ask Away Thursday! If you missed our first question/answer post, you can check it out HERE.
So what is Ask Away Thursday? I’ve teamed up with a bunch of awesome Mommy Bloggers to answer your parenting questions. It can be anything from potty training to schooling advice, with anything in between. Danielle from Serene Mom, Iyanna from YannivLovely, Nikki from Healing Mama Remedies, and Irina from Homegrown Adventures will also be giving their answer/opinion in their posts. We all may not have the same opinion or advice, which is the beauty of this series. Parenting is rarely a “one-size fits all” type of topic, so if you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please check out my tribe members’ blogs. Even if you do agree, please visit them anyways.
The Question
So, I have a 6-month-old son who rarely gets to be around people other than family. On New Year’s Day, we went our with my parents to a friend of theirs house for dinner. I knew no one there but my parents. My mom was walking around with my son, and the next thing you know, someone else is holding him. Now 3 different people are in his face. Meanwhile, I’m sitting there contemplating how not go off on them for not asking if they could hold him, or my mom for just giving him up so easily. Am I wrong for not wanting people to be all over my baby? Touching his hands, which stay in his mouth, face, etc.? They could sense my uncomfortable vibe and handed my baby over to me. Then they had the nerve to tell me to take their numbers because they would love to babysit because he liked them. I kindly (probably not to them) told them that I’m picky, and it’s not up to my 6-month-old. I know what’s best for him, and I still don’t know any of your names. (Smh) It just really bothered me, so when they left I told my mother that I don’t pass the baby around like a doll to strangers. Am I overreacting because he’s my firstborn?
My Answer
Well, I may be the wrong person to ask, but no, I do not think you were overreacting at all.
When my oldest was a newborn, I did NOT like strangers sticking their heads into his stroller or grabbing his hands, let alone trying to hold him. I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobe, and if I don’t know you and your germs, please back away from my baby.
Babies haven’t had a chance to build up their immune systems like adults (or even older children) have. Plus, you’re right…they stick their hands in their little mouths all the time. So, if you’re touching my baby’s hand, whatever you just touched is going into their mouth. Yuck.
I know many people are of the belief that you need to build up a baby’s immune system, but I think they’ll have plenty of opportunities to get sick all on their own.
As a first time parent, your anxiety level is probably already high when you take your baby out in public, if you’re not used to doing it. There’s a lot to worry about, so you don’t need added stress of watching your baby being handed off to strangers. While your Mother may have known the person, she should have asked you first and introduced you before handing your baby off. I’m glad you talked to your Mom afterwards because I would have done the same thing.
Check out what Danielle, Iyanna, Nikki, and Irina have to say about the situation by just clicking on their names.
What’s Your Question
If you have any type of parenting question for Ask Away Thursday, please send us an email at
Do you agree with my advice? What would you have done in this situation?
Healing Mama says
You are so right, babies don’t have strong immune systems. I think she did the right thing
Christine says
I agree with your response about how she reacted when her mother handed over her baby to someone else. I would have freaked! My mommy question is how long did it take you to get your child to go to sleep by himself. My son is 6 and he always wants me to lie down with him at night. I have been doing it since he was 3 but thought he would grow out of it.
Shann says
Thank you! And good question….I’ll pose it to the ladies, if that’s OK?
Tricia says
Oh, I absolutely love this series! It’s great to read so many different viewpoints on a question. I totally get where the poster is coming from, but I really think she may be overreacting just a tad. I think I would be more cautious if she was a newborn, but six months I wouldn’t have a problem with people holding her. Plus, it’s not like they were strangers off the street. They were friends of her parents. haha I’m pretty laid back though!
Shann says
Yeah. I’m not about germs 🙂
Homegrown Adventures says
Loved your advice. Until my child is around one month old….I am constantly washing my own hands. With my first I went everywhere but when I had my fourth child I stayed home when they were very little. I would just cover their car seat with a thin blanket while food shopping. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Joan Harrington (@joantruesuccess) says
Hey Shann,
Thanks for sharing 🙂 As a young mom, I wish I had this kind of site to go to when I had questions 🙂
nmiller00 says
Oh my goodness! Where was this post when I needed it about 10 years ago! I had to get used to others holding my baby pretty quickly because I have a huge family. It bothered me at first, but I did get used to it. Totally understand her concern!
Hannah Diane says
Love this! Thanks for sharing!!
juliab412 says
This is such an awesome post! I love how many of you answered the question this way we can get different viewpoints from every one. I completely agree with your answer because if that was my baby I’d be pretty upset about the situation myself. Baby’s are so fragile especially at only 6 months!
Alyssa from The Sparkly Life says
this is such an AWESOME idea for a post! i love the idea of compiling the expertise of other mommy blogger buddies to help your readers. love, love, love!
Shann says
Thank you! 🙂
serenemomblog says
She did the right thing! She shouldn’t be forced to let strangers hold her baby.
yannivlovely says
Great advice, Shann! When you’re a first time parent your main focus is making sure the life you have total responsibility for is protected! The game changes when you have a little one and who else but the parents are going to nurse them back to health?!
Shann says
Exactly! Thanks Yanni! 🙂
Corina Ramos (@NotNowMomsBusy) says
This sounds like a great series Shann, it’s going to help a lot of moms out there. I didn’t mind when my family or close friends would carry my kids when they were babies….if it were strangers that’s another story.
Great post Shann!
Cynthia @Craftoflaughter says
What a great series. I’m sure other mom’s would like opinions and input from others who have walked before them@
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
I completely understand not wanting strangers passing around your baby. I would feel the same way.
My Urban Family says
I don’t have a baby but I know when I do I’m going to be the exact same way! I already think it when I see friends passing their babies around. I don’t like germs from strangers, I’m sure not going to want them near a baby of mine!
Stefanie / The Monarch Mommy says
What a great series! It’s going to be helpful for so many new moms!
My take? Overreacting a bit. Honestly so many people offer to watch baby and they don’t really mean it. My response is to just say “That’s so nice of you” and not ask for their number.
Tim says
My wife and I get on people’s case when they kiss him anywhere near his eyes and mouth. We are very concerned about his immunity
Neely (@Neelykins) says
I personally think you are right. I would be the same way