Late Summer With terrible, cold weather in Wisconsin and an awful sickness hitting our household, it hasn't been feeling like much of a vacation around here. It feels like we've hit late summer, and hardly accomplished anything. So, how do you make up for lost time? Simple. Squeeze as much fun into the last half of summer as we can! Late summer is definitely better … [Read more...]
Practice Makes Progress and Other Life Lessons
Practice You've probably heard the phrase "practice makes perfect" through the course of your life. However, perfection is pretty hard, if not impossible to attain. So, instead of setting myself and my family up for failure, we're going with a new phrase around here: Practice makes progress! There has been a lot of practice going on around here lately, and I wanted to … [Read more...]
Life Changes: How to Roll with the Punches
Life Changes Life changes all the time. I'm not sure when it happened, but I've been finding these changes really hard to deal with lately. I guess I'm not the carefree girl I used to be. Who am I kidding? I don't think I've ever been that girl. Sure, before kids, it was easier to go with the flow. There weren't as many moving pieces or giant responsibilities. Now that … [Read more...]
Health Reset: When Life Gets in the Way
Health Reset I was super excited about 2019. I set my goals for the month, and even came up with a word of the year. I was ready to take on new challenges and ready for a health reset. Eating less and moving more were at the top of the agenda. Life, however, had other plans for me and our family. The boys headed back to school on the Wednesday, January 2nd, and I was eager … [Read more...]
Easter 2017: Adventures with Boys and Eggs
Easter 2017 Another holiday is in the books. Easter 2017 was full of eggs, candy, family, fun, and very little sleep. I'm wrapping up our Spring Break and Easter 2017 weekend for you with a family story. And plenty of pictures! Me Time The weekend started off pretty great. The sun was shining, Mr. B had a birthday party to go to, and everyone was finally feeling better. … [Read more...]