First Fridays And just like that, summer vacation has started! With all three boys home, things are probably going to be a little crazy around here. I'm not sure what that means for the blog, but I do know that I'm going to try to post every Friday. I'm going to call it "First Fridays" and highlight "firsts" that we have done this summer. All good stuff to keep us motivated … [Read more...]
Adventures to the Shedd Aquarium
Cross 2 items of our Summer Bucket List! Early Thursday morning, we headed to the train station bound for Chicago. Not only were the boys getting a train ride, but we were off to the Shedd Aquarium! My oldest has been on the train before, but he didn't remember it, and this was the first trip to the Aquarium for all three. … [Read more...]
Another Week Down and TGIF
I just got my son's bus schedule for Kindergarten! Aaaaah!!!!!!!!! Where did the summer go? Back to school stuff is in full effect in every store, and I have to admit I am getting a little excited to start shopping. This week was pretty busy. Let me give you a brief rundown. We completed our first week of Swim Lessons and my oldest had his final T-Ball Game. He was … [Read more...]
Swim Lessons – What to expect
Swim Lessons We are on day 2 of swim lessons. Yesterday went pretty well, and I thought I'd share our experience, in case you're thinking about swim lessons for your kids. It's a great skill to have, and so important for their safety. Taking 3 to the Pool Both the twins, who are 3, and my oldest, who is 5, are taking lessons. My oldest son took an introductory … [Read more...]
A Recap of our Week and Previews
It's been a loooooong week over here. I have NOT been sticking to my goal of going to bed every night by 10:15, so I've been pretty tired. We've also had someone stumbling into our bed in the middle of the night, every single night. How is it that someone so small can take up so much room? All the boys have a bit of a summer cold. Summer and Cold should not go together. … [Read more...]