Health Reset I was super excited about 2019. I set my goals for the month, and even came up with a word of the year. I was ready to take on new challenges and ready for a health reset. Eating less and moving more were at the top of the agenda. Life, however, had other plans for me and our family. The boys headed back to school on the Wednesday, January 2nd, and I was eager … [Read more...]
Things that SUCK about weight loss
Weight Loss While I am super happy about my weight loss, and there are so many things I love about being healthy, I couldn't help but notice a few not so fun things that came along with losing weight. Obviously, the health benefits, energy level, and feeling good about myself highly outweigh (no pun intended) the sucky things, but I still wanted to share them with you. I'm not … [Read more...]
The Challenges of Losing Weight
Weight As you all know, I started my healthy eating plan in May. As of yesterday, I'm down 25 lbs. Yes, 25 lbs of weight gone!!!!!!!!!!!! It definitely has NOT been easy, but I never thought I would lose this much weight. Although, to be fair, I never thought I would gain so much weight. I do give myself a little slack, since having two babies in the … [Read more...]