As you all know, I started my healthy eating plan in May. As of yesterday, I’m down 25 lbs. Yes, 25 lbs of weight gone!!!!!!!!!!!!
It definitely has NOT been easy, but I never thought I would lose this much weight.
Although, to be fair, I never thought I would gain so much weight.
I do give myself a little slack, since having two babies in the NICU for three months is a little stressful. However, those babies are now three years old.
Anyways, I thought I would share the most challenging parts of my weight loss with you. I’m also sharing how I fight through them.
Weight Loss Challenges
Challenge #1 I’m hungry A LOT
I’ve been eating 5 to 6 times per day, but I still seem to be hungry a lot of the time. I’ve been trying to eat a lot of protein and foods that should fill me up, but when it hits 9 pm, my stomach is always growling. I’ve been doing really good and not giving into it, but it’s not easy.
I know I need to drink more water, but that is hard for me too. Which leads to…
Challenge #2 I don’t drink enough Water
I’ve given up diet soda (although I occasionally slip up,) but water just doesn’t do it for me. I do drink a LOT of ice tea, but I don’t think that counts. I have to use sweetener (Stevia or Sweet ‘N Low) in it, which is why I don’t think it counts. I’ve seen a lot of people infusing their water with lemons or other fruits/vegetables, so maybe that would help? I’d love some suggestions on how to improve this one.
Challenge #3 Changes in Routines
If I’m home for all my meals and snacks, I do great. It’s when there’s some kind of change that I struggle. For example, last night we went to a Church Festival. I ate lunch and my afternoon snack, but then we went to the festival. I should have brought a snack, but I didn’t. Instead, I ate a hamburger, some chips, a bite of the kids’ ice cream, and some of the kid’s popcorn. Plus, I had 2 beers (although, they were Michelob Ultra.) Now, I feel guilty, and a little bloated. But, there’s always tomorrow. How do you handle when you go out for a family outing or party?
Challenge #4 Variety
I’ve been eating a lot of the same foods for each meal, snack, etc. It’s easy because I know the calorie count, and I like the taste of it. I usually eat Oatmeal with a little dried fruit for breakfast, followed by a protein bar for a snack. I then eat egg whites with a slice of cheese on a whole wheat English muffin for lunch, or a sandwich. My afternoon snack is also some type of protein or protein shake. I also might have celery with my BetterBody Foods PB Fit Powder, Peanut Butter (affiliate link) or hundred calorie pack WHOLLY GUACAMOLE (affiliate link.) Dinner might be a salad or Chicken with vegetables or even a frozen Weight Watchers/Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice meal. I know there are plenty of other options out there, it’s just hard for me to find the time to buy and prepare them.
Challenge #5 Clothing
It’s actually been fun to go shopping again because I’ve been able to buy smaller sizes, and I like how clothes look on me. However, that means spending money on new ones and getting rid of a lot of the clothes I recently bought to fit my bigger body. I do have a bunch of clothes in storage in my parent’s basement, so I really need to weed out everything in my closet, then go through those storage tubs. I’m a little scared to get rid of all my bigger clothes, though. What if I can’t keep up this weight loss? I don’t want to go back and forth and just waste money…not to mention hurt my body.
Challenges are Worth It
While losing weight is a struggle and hard work, it is worth it. I call these obstacles challenges because I’m up for beating each one.
As I come up with solutions through my journey, I’ll be sharing them with you.
There are many, many benefits to me losing weight and becoming healthy. I have been a lot more active, have more energy, my blood pressure has gone back into the low/normal range, and I’m guessing my cholesterol too. I’m also hoping my acid reflux/Barrett’s esophagus will improve, but I won’t know for sure until I have my scope in August. My back pain hasn’t improved yet, but I’m still working on those core muscles.
Hey Shann! Like you I am on a journey very similar and am at 34lbs lost myself. The only thing I have found is that having a great support system really helps. If it wasn’t for the people that believe in me, I wouldn’t have lost that weight! And making the weight loss fun! I am signed up for a 7k obstacle course for a charity I really believe in, that will be a challenge and so many people think I can’t do it, but it is just one more obstacle on my weightloss journey to a healthier me! Check out some local groups and always keep pushing! I know you can do it!
That is awesome, Alicia! Congrats on the 34 lbs!!! Great idea about a charity event too. I’ll look around here. Thank you!
Oh man, I have a post coming up this week about this very same thing. I’m in huge need of losing weight. I got into a good running routine in the evenings, and now it’s been 90 degrees every night and I just feel so lethargic. It’s awful. On the other hand, I’ve also not eaten much so maybe it balances out. HA!
I’ve been slacking in my exercise this week too. The heat/humidity is unbelievable. I guess we finally got some summer weather. Good luck with your weight loss journey too.
Good Luck! I’m trying to make some healthier choices lately too, and it is not easy!
Thank you! It’s really not.
You look great! I just started eating healthier and trying to loose some weight. I need to work on drinking more water!
Thank you. Drinking water is so hard for me too.
Congratulations! It takes so much effort to achieve your goal! So proud of you!
Thank you so much!
Great job you look great! I’m trying to lose 25 lbs. it’s been rough. I’ve tried different diets, but I think what works best for me is to just try to eat healthier, but not give up everything I like just eat smaller portions. And I quit buying protein bars because their high in calories, and just eat a few nuts instead, or jerky (I make my own). I do try to eat 5 times a day. I like water do no problem there.
Yes. Smaller portions is definitely the way to go. I honestly had no idea how much I was eating before, but it was a huge wake-up call to count calories.
Congrats, Shann!! 25 lbs is amazing. 🙂
Thank you so much Mia!
Congrats on your weight loss! I hated water and drank enough. I started putting lemon slices in just to give it some flavor and then bought a water infuser. I wrote about it on the blog last fall.
I also record my water intake on myfitnesspal!
Awesome! Thank you!
I definitely face these problems on a daily basis. If I’m every hungry after eating all my meals, I’ll always try to have some cut up veggies prepared so I can just snack on those. Eating veggies is good for you and they usually do the trick for filling you up at the end of the day.
Again, drinking water is hard for me as well. I use some sort of app to try to help my track my drinking. And as for changes in routines, in my book, it’s ok to indulge every once in a while, as long as you get back on track the next meal and don’t let it affect your outlook.
Best of luck and congrats on all the progress you’ve already made!
Thank you so much Cassie! I appreciate your advice.
I will be following this as well, I just recently started my own weight loss journey. I have a long way to go, but proud to say I am down 3 pounds!! It’s a start! Congrats on losing 25! I know it’s not easy.
Awesome! Every pound counts! I’ll be cheering you on too.
Congratulations on your success with your weight loss journey, it’s definitely not easy. I’ve lost 30 pounds so far and definitely relate to all of these points, for me it’s more of a change in mindset than anything else – the rest seem to follow. Good luck staying healthy!
Anika [hej + bonjour]
Congrats on your weight loss too! That’s awesome! Thank you so much for reading!
Congrats on being down 25 pounds! That is SO awesome! I’m with you on the whole not drinking enough water thing. I really have to work on that, too.
I’m a mom of three boys, too. 🙂 And I’m trying to lose weight – the last 10 pounds and I am slowly yo-yo-ing my way there. Great job on losing 25. As for drinking water, waybe switch to decaf iced tea? I think that would “count” more as water. I also like those ICE drinks. It’s not water, but it doesn’t have caffeine or calories and it’s a nice switch. Good luck with everything – sounds like you’re on the right track!
Thank you, and good luck to you too. I haven’t tried the ICE drinks, but they sound like a good idea. Thanks!
You look great in your picture. My sister, who has struggled with weight issues for a while, has lost 35 pounds in 3 months by doing the Atkins diet (which I know is highly controversial) and taking up running. As an unexpected benefit, she also has far less trouble with her fibromyalgia. Good to be co-hosting the #homemattersparty with you. Can’t believe the month is half over.
That’s awesome! Great to be co-hosting with you too 🙂
First of all…GOOD FOR YOU! Losing weight and getting healthy is something that i really need to work on. You are doing great. I would hate the being hungry part though especially if I am blogging into the late evening. I always want a snack! Keep it up!
Thank you!
Hi Shann,
You look amazing! I have quite a few “baby pounds” to get rid of myself. I notice that it is those late night snacks that really do me in. If I manage not to snack after 9:00 (ie I fall asleep!) I fee very different the next morning than when I do. So stick with it!
It’s great co-hosting the #HomeMattersParty with you!
Thank you so much! Great to be co-hosting with you too! 🙂
Good Luck on your weight loss journey. Thank you for being a wonderful cohost on #HomeMattersParty.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Congratulations! You look amazing and I’m sure you feel it too! Losing weight and getting healthy is a huge challenge. I lost about 15 pounds (in two years) and I’m trying to lose about 10 more. Infusing water with lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint is one of my favorite ways to get more water in and the combination also helps reduce bloating (which reminds me that I desperately need to make a pitcher of this stuff asap!) Snacking on almonds, peanuts or any other nuts really helps me too. Good luck and it’s great to be co-hosting the #HomeMattersParty with you again!
Thank you Sarena! Great ideas for water. Glad to be co-hosting with you too.
Good for you! Finally losing the “baby weight” is something I haven’t completely managed yet – and the baby is 8 years old! If I were to pinpoint my biggest challenges I would say time/prep (ie: keeping healthy quick options available) and how tired I feel in the afternoons when I don’t allow myself to eat the carbs my body wants for quick energy.
I’m having fun co-hosting the #HomeMattersParty with you this month!
Yes. I’m always starving in the afternoons too. I usually eat some popcorn or a protein bar to give me a little energy. Great co-hosting with you too!