New Year, new ideas and changes for the blog! As you may have noticed…or maybe not…all my pictures on the blog are either of inanimate objects or don’t show my kids faces. Well, that’s all about to change. I’ve been thinking long and hard about this, and I decided to just go for it. You’re going to be seeing a lot more of my Boys (and maybe a few of me!) The above picture collage is from last Christmas morning, and this Christmas morning. Lots of changes there too!
What was the big deal, you ask? Well, I’m pretty protective of my boys, as you know. I wasn’t sure if showing them on here to people I don’t know would hurt them. As they get older, maybe they’d be embarrassed or maybe someone would make a rude comment and someone’s feelings would get hurt (most likely mine.) BUT, I’ve decided since most people that read this blog are already friends, or Facebook friends, they’ve seen my boys already. If you’re not, I’m just going to have faith that if you don’t have anything nice to say about my boys, you’ll keep it to yourself. Plus, I’m not going to include any bathtub shots or cute naked baby butts…even though they are adorable, we’ll save those for the baby books at home.
Also, I’m hoping (crossing fingers and toes here) that I will have more readers in the New Year. My blog is now going to be included in a local Online Magazine! I’m pretty excited. I’m hoping it will help me spread awareness about prematurity, raising twins, TTTS, SIUGR….and show off my cute kids a little 😉
So, if the blog looks a little different in the coming weeks, I hope you’re happy with the changes. If not, let me know.
Now for the not so good news….we had to make our second visit to Urgent Care on Thursday night. Yuck. Not exactly how I like to spend a weeknight, especially in below zero temperatures, but it was definitely necessary. My oldest woke up from his nap (yes he still takes a nap which I’ll address at another time) and he was crying, “Mommy make it stop!” When I asked what was going on, he told me the lights in the hallway were spinning and the wall was spinning. After taking his temp (101.8,) in utter panic, I called my Doctor’s office and they said to take him to urgent care because, of course, this is happening at 4:30 pm the day after New Year’s.
I called my husband, he rushed home, and we bundled all three kids up. I figured since they have all been snotty and coughy, we might as well take them all in. Good thing.
Turned out the 4 year old did have some fluid in his ears, but no infection. The twins, on the other hand, got their second ear infections. Boo.
So, my oldest is taking Ibuprofen, and the twins are on Antibiotics AGAIN. Did I say Boo already?!
At least we are somewhat on the mend…but we have a long, snotty road to go.
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