With my baby starting KINDERGARTEN on Tuesday, I thought I would share some of his favorite things right now…and some of my favorite things about him. I really still can’t believe he’s going to be in school all day. I know you’re sick of me saying this. I’m sick of me saying this, but I think I will be in denial until he gets on that bus early Tuesday morning.
While the twins were napping yesterday, I came up with the idea for us to work on a project where he could draw/write some of his favorites. He loves to draw, and I figured we’d get a little one-on-one time too.
So, yesterday I asked him about his favorites, then today we worked on this poster. I think it turned out pretty good. He drew everything, and wrote a lot of the words too. I just added a few of the titles. He’s such a little artist, and I’m just so proud of him. (PS. He gets most of his artistic talent from his Dad.)
Here are some of my questions, his answers, and some additional info.
- What’s your favorite food? Apples Really? Yeah mom, I really like them. OK. I’ll just ignore that little eye roll.
- Favorite drink? Milk. Seriously, this kid likes his milk. We need to invest in buying a cow for him and his brothers.
- Favorite color? Blue This surprised me a bit since he used to be all about Red and Green. Now, his brother likes Red, so I think that’s why we’ve moved on.
- Favorite animal? Giraffe. I like their tall heads so they can see super high. Cool. Me too.
- Favorite TV show? Star Wars. Wait, that’s a movie. I like Garfield. Let me just tell you this kid loves watching TV and movies. That, of course, he gets from me.
- Favorite place to go? The Pool.
- Favorite Vacation spot? London. We’ve never been to London. I love the giant clock tower.How about one of the other places we’ve been recently…Green Bay to see Thomas, Ohio for the Twin Convention, Chicago? What Twin Convention? Remember, last summer? All those twins? I liked Chicago. I liked the aquarium and watching the trains.
- Favorite thing to play with? Legos! This I can totally vouch for. I step on them daily.
- Favorite game? Sequence
- Favorite thing to draw? Buildings. And Trees. What are your favorite trees? Palm trees and Truffula trees (from The Lorax.)
My oldest is still definitely my cuddliest child, which most of the time I love. He often sneaks into our bed in the middle of the night, must go to sleep with two lights on, and talks non-stop. It’s usually a struggle to get him to sit down and eat anything, he loves home improvement stores like his dad, and draws with his left hand. He has a terrific imagination, is super creative, and used to hum all the time. He still sings a lot. He’s not the most coordinated, he doesn’t like to ride his bike because the training wheels are “wobbly,” and he hates washing his hands.
I think my favorite thing is when he says, “Mom?”
We can be in the car, watching TV, taking a walk, in a store, or even in the middle of when he’s playing in the other room.
“I love you.”
This is such a sweet thing to do! Hope he lots of fun in kindergarten.
Mikayla | A Seersucker State of Mind.
Thank you Mikayla!
This is a cute idea. You should keep it up and ask him each year when he starts school. It could be really interesting to see what changes through the years.
Yes! I think it will be a tradition.
He sounds like such a little sweetheart! I love ‘tall-headed giraffes’ too 🙂 And I can appreciate that he loves London despite never traveling there. Same.
Very cute way to end summer/start school 🙂
🙂 Thank you!
Jackson is 7 and JUST learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. The kid was petrified of his wobbly wheels but did not want to take them off either. I told him I’d give him $20 if he learned. It took a few weeks but he got it and stares at his $20 bill and refuses to spend it. HA!
So funny! I wish I could think of a bribe that would work for this one. 🙂
LOL!!! i cracked up that he answered “London” when he’s never been there. What a sweetie!!
He’s got quite the imagination 🙂
Sounds like a great afternoon, and you built a lovely memory together. I love the poster idea. I may adapt that to my co op classroom. An awesome way to get to know the kids!
Great! Thank you!
Good Luck in kindergarten little man!
It’s such a great idea to spend some one on one time with your kiddos by doing a personalized project like this. It’s fun to see how their “favorite” change as they get older too!
This is such a great idea! He looks so happy about going to school!
xo Bree
He’s very excited!
What a fun idea for a post! My youngest just started kindergarten this week. So I’m a SAHM with no kids right now! It’s very strange! I love this idea though!
Aww, isn’t it crazy how fast kids grow up? I loved reading about your son’s favorite things, such a sweet post.
What a treasure to make with your son. It is so hard when they go off to school, it’s a good time to make some keepsakes while spending time together.
Yes. Thank you!
What a cutie!! loved this post- so fun!
Thank you!
He’ll be a hit in kindergarten!
Awe. Thank you.
What a fun activity to do! It’s nice to spend some alone time with each child.
I agree.
Aww this is so cute and funny! Sounds like you need to take him on a trip to London! 😉
I know!
When my kiddo comes home from Kindergarten we are going to make a poster too. What a great idea!
Awesome! Thank you!
This is such a sweet post! I loved the poster your son made. Wishing him a great year in kindergarten!
Thank you!
Shann, this was a great idea! I’m sure he enjoyed it. It will be awesome when he’s older and he can look back at this and see how he’s grown. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Daria.
aww! my five year old is starting kindergarten shortly, too! love your “favorites” idea–totally copying!
Awesome! Thank you!
I love Sequence! So fun. I also love that he said his favorite vacation spot is London and he’s never been hahaha. SO sweet that he just randomly tells you he loves you. Melts my heart! 🙂
Me too. Thanks!
Best of luck to him. He looks amazing! I am sure he will have lots of fun. Your post made me think of my first day of kindergarten. Oh….so long ago 🙂
I can still remember mine too…also very, very long ago 🙂
Too stinking cute. I love this age because you start to see so much of their personalities! Love this!
I agree. Thank you!
Your son and this post is adorable and awesome! This is really a neat project you thought up and he must have had so much fun doing it!
He did. Thank you Claudette.
So sweet! Super cute project! My son made a posted for me similar to this when he was 9 (he’s 12 now). I still have it 🙂
That’s so cute!
This is so cute and so as your son. I always LOVE that kind of school project.
Thank you!
I thought it was cute his favorite trees were from the Lorax- those are some pretty interesting trees! He is a cutie! 🙂
Thank you!
What a cutie. I know he’s excited to go to kindergarten!
Oh yes he is! 🙂
That’s such a sweet post. Now just remember to breathe deeply on Tuesday. He’ll be fine, you BB worries about. ; ) BB2U
This is darling. I love his reason for liking giraffes!
That’s such a great project. Your kids seem super sweet! 🙂
Ha, I LOVE that he has london as his favorite vacation destination 😉 It’s on mine too!
It seems that milk is quite the drink among kids these days. Also, of course he loves the Minions!
Aww that’s so cute. Even my kids like apples, maybe it’s easy to eat? I don’t know. Hehe. Most kids like dogs or cats, it’s adorable that he likes Giraffes!
Hi Shann
How cute and the way you are parenting is pretty awesome. It is lovely to hear such great things. Best of luck to you all. Smiles and cheers
Thank you!
Lol I love that he picked London and has never been there. Maybe he’s been recently bitten by the travel bug too, haha.
Exactly 🙂
He is going to have such a fun time in kindergarten!
This is so sweet!!
Aw, he is such a sweet boy. I enjoyed reading his answers. I was laughing when I read that blue is now his favorite color because his brother likes red…. sounds familiar!
🙂 Thank you.
What a great idea to mark his start of kindergarten. Here’s to a great year!
I love it God bless all three of your kids. so what he’s not the most coordinated child but what is at that age. Hey, I’m Einstein didn’t speak until he was like 3 years old and is wonderful that he has a great imagination and I was so impressed that he could draw with his left hand I wish I could do that.
Thank you Sacha 🙂
Hurrah for left-handers! 🙂 I loved his answer about London being his favorite vacation spot in spite of not having been there. Too funny!
Yes, he’s quite “creative” 😉
Great way to make memories. He is adorable.
Thank you!
I love this idea and love his adorable answers.
Thank you!
What a cute idea!
Thank you!
This is SO precious!
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
How sweet I love this!