Birthday Party Place For the first time EVER, we didn't have our son's birthday party at home. He had decided he wanted to invite school friends, and wanted to have it at a place where there were lots of activities. Since we'd never done it before, I wasn't really sure where to start. So, with a lot of research, I found the perfect birthday party place for him and his … [Read more...]
Watermelon Sangria and The 4th
*Amazon Affiliate links are included in this post. Please see Disclosure Policy for more details. Watermelon Sangria The 4th of July and watermelon sangria. Watermelon Sangria and the 4th of July. Yep. A good combination anyway you say it. We had a pretty great 4th of July filled with friends, family, and fireworks. A fruity, festive drink certainly helped. I think it … [Read more...]
Daddy Behind the Blog
The Daddy Happy Birthday to the Daddy behind the husband! For our anniversary this year, I told you 7 facts about us and about him, so for his birthday, I thought I'd let the boys tell you about their daddy. I asked them each the same questions. I was going to try to separate them from each other, but no one was sitting still anyways. Here's what they had to … [Read more...]
First Born Fridays, His Favorites
With my baby starting KINDERGARTEN on Tuesday, I thought I would share some of his favorite things right now...and some of my favorite things about him. I really still can't believe he's going to be in school all day. I know you're sick of me saying this. I'm sick of me saying this, but I think I will be in denial until he gets on that bus early Tuesday morning. … [Read more...]