Since it is the 1st day of the month, I thought it would be a perfect day to tell you guys my goals for July. I’m hoping it will keep me more accountable by sharing them, and then giving a recap at the end of the month. I have split them up into categories, and then have included how I’m hoping to accomplish them.
Blogging Goals
Last month I increased my following from the previous month, and I’m hoping to reach an even greater number of people this month. Not only will this help me reach other moms going through similar situations, but it will help me take my blog to the next level financially. Since I stay at home with the kids, it’s really hard to find a job that I can do from home. I’m hoping this blog will serve that purpose…someday. I really love writing, so it would be fabulous to make money doing something that I love.
How am I going to get there?
I’m going to continue to write as much as possible on the blog. I’ve joined a 30 day challenge, so I will be posting every day. I also am making it a goal to submit to at least 2 other publications. I was so honored to be on Mamalode back in March (wow! I didn’t realize it had been that long!) but I haven’t had a chance to submit anything since then.
I am also asking for your help! Please continue to read, comment, and share my posts as often as you can. If you’d like to get them in your email, you can simply sign up on the right side. I promise I only send out my post each day, and will not spam you.
Even if you just “like” my Facebook post, Re-tweet a post, or follow me on Pinterest, it all helps. Here are all the ways you can find and follow me. Just click and you’ll be taken directly to the site:
I would also greatly appreciate you clicking the Top Mommy Blogger Button on the right side bar. It looks like this:
OR This at the bottom of each post:
All you need to do, is just CLICK, then you’re done. You can click every 24 hours, so whenever you are done reading my daily post, you can just click. Top Mommy Blogs is a directory of Mommy Bloggers, and the better you rank, the easier people can find you, and hopefully, start following along with all of you fabulous people.
Family Goals
Trying to take this blog to the next level really takes a lot of time. I need to make sure the time I spend on it does not take away from the time I spend with my family. Since I’m home with the kids everyday, it’s easy for me to feel like I can just hand them off to my husband when he gets home from work. I know that’s not fair to him, since he works hard all day too. It’s just that sometimes at that point of the day, I can’t stand to hear one more scream, break up one more fight, or have one more person hang on me.
How am I going to work on this goal?
When my husband gets done with work, I’m going to give him a minute to get settled, then I’m going to take just 20 minutes to myself. Maybe I’ll check emails, maybe I’ll just sit in the silence of our room. After that, I’m going to make it a point to make dinner at least 3 out of the 5 weeknights. With everyone having different bedtimes, and with activities like T-ball and Ballet, we sometimes all eat at different time. At least 3 nights, we’re all going to sit together as a family.
When it comes to the weekends, I like to get to the store by myself at least once. I also want to give my husband a chance to do something for himself. Then, I want us, as a family, to do another activity all together.
I also want to get back to having date nights. Once a month, I would like a date night with just my husband. Once a month a date night with my husband and my oldest. The twins aren’t quite ready for date night yet…but soon.
Me goals
I’ve been working really hard to lose weight and get healthy. I also have been making an effort to get in better shape. This month, I’d like to continue to lose weight, and make an even greater effort to exercise.
How will I accomplish this?
I’ve been having other health issues (which I’ll write about another time,) so I will now be taking a daily probiotic, and drinking lots of water. I got a water bottle, and I need to fill and empty it at least 3 times a day.
I also want to do either an exercise DVD, Ballet class, or a walk, 5 out of 7 days. I’m going to be marking what I do each day in my calendar to keep me accountable.
I need to experiment with new vegetables to give my diet more variety. This will be hard since I’m not the best cook. So send me your healthy vegetable recipes!
Lastly, I need to get more/better sleep. I end up staying up late at night to relax and watch TV, when I should just go to bed. I’m instituting a 10:15 pm bedtime.
Mommy Goals
I find myself yelling A LOT during the day, and I just don’t like it. I feel like such a mean mommy. This month, I want to cut way back.
How am I going to stop?
This one is going to take a lot of work. I really need to be very conscious of my stress level. When I feel it rising, I need to take a step back (and probably a step out of the room,) until I can just speak in my normal voice.
If I’m good at following my other goals and getting my health in check, I think this will improve my mood, which will also decrease the yelling.
Household Goals
Our house is slowly (maybe not so slowly) being taken over by stuff. This month, I want to get rid of a lot of it, and get organized.
How will we do this?
Rummage Sale! My parent’s are having one sometime this month, so I need to get them to pin down a date. I then need to start going through closets, especially in my own room. Whatever we don’t sell, we’re going to donate.
Financial Goals
See Blogging Goals. Also, spend less money on unnecessary items.
I’m a shopper. I can’t help it. I love to buy stuff for the kids, for my husband, and even for myself on occasion.
How am I going to break the habit?
I’m not going to buy something on impulse. I read somewhere that if you’re trying to curb your spending, you should take a couple of days to think about the item to see if you really need/want it. If after a couple of days, you can’t stop thinking about it, then, and only then, you can buy it.
I’m going to try my hardest to stop the impulse (and not so impulse) buys.
Wow. That’s a lot. I hope I can accomplish most of this stuff, and I hope you’ll help me. What are your goals for the month?
we sure do share a lot of the same goals!! What 30 day challenge are you doing? I’d love to be a part of it too! I love your blog!
Thank you so much Cynthia! It’s a FB group called #30DayWriter. I think I can add you, if I friend you first? I’ll send you a request. 🙂
I would love it, Shann!
It looks like July is going to be a great month for you! All the best in achieving all of your goals
Thank you, and thank you for the support!
These are awesome goals! I definitely need to go back to having date nights, too. 🙂
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
Yes! They are a must! Thanks Caitlin.
My goal this month is to do my 3 mile walk at least twice a week, blog at least three times a week, and organize the new year for PTO at my kids’ school. I feel like if I could just get as much ready for the new year done now, maybe it won’t be so stressful then!
Yes! Those are great goals. We’ll support each other!
Love this. So helpful to put goals in writing and share them. It does help with accountability. Good luck!
Thank you! I appreciate the support!
I love the idea of writing your monthly goals to make them more “real”. Just try not to make them overwhelming – you do have 3 young children. If you like salad, give my Bok Choy Salad a try – tastes great and good for you, too. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you! I will take a look at the salad too!
love the pic of the boys all muddy 🙂
You have a great list of goals.. I am a impulse buyer too.. I am working on that! I am a yeller too.. but I just started reading the book, “how to talk so your kids will listen, and how to listen so your kids will talk” (cheesy I know) but I am learning some good techniques and so far I have noticed they are way more effective. 😉
I’m going to have to check out that book. Day 1 has already been challenging 😉
These are some excellent goals for July…I think I will sit down tonight and take out some time and write a few reasonable goals for this month. Thanks for the idea…I have so much to do and it gets overwhelming just thinking about it. If I break them down and don’t be so hard on myself it might work. Thanks for sharing!
Yes…that’s also hard for me too. Thanks for reading and for your support!
Love the goals for July!! I am going to work on less yelling too. Sometimes I swear that is the ONLY way to get my point across and get people to move but it’s really starting to take a toll on me and every else. Also, date night is so important. Husband and I discussed this, even if its just walking around the neighborhood just us once a week will work. nothing too crazy but something that we can spend time alone and yes less shopping. I had to unsubscribe to all my internet shopping and I started to write a hard copy budget. I noticed that I just went from buying gifts to buying lots of groceries we didn’t need so I had to back down from that. I am excited to see you reach your goals for July!
Thank you so much! Sounds like we are very similar. We can support each other…especially in the cutting down spending and yelling ones. Thanks for the support. I appreciate it.
Love these goals! I set some for myself this month as well.I am a shopper as well, so I am trying to cut back on spending so much money. It’s so hard at times though! Hopefully I can accomplish all of them.
It IS hard! Thanks for the support, and I hope you can accomplish your goals too!
Thank You so much!! Best of luck on your goals as well!
I sure will….you know im a fan of the twins lol their funny
Such amazing goals. I do have similar goals I know it can be a challenge to do but I am sure you can do it. 🙂 Good luck.
Thank you! And the best of luck to you too!
Oh my gosh, these are pretty much all my goals too!! Especially the stop yelling one. Some days it is just soooo hard with the boys chasing each other, screaming, and fighting! And I only have 2! I can only imagine what it’s like with 3! That also leads into the go to bed earlier goal…by the time both kids are in bed and settled it’s usually 9:30pm and I have had NO time to myself. So I stay up late to relax and to hang with my hubby. I really need to find a way to make bedtime smoother for the boys so I can have “me” time a little earlier in the evening.
Oh- and yeah- I have a really bad online shopping problem that I need to curb 🙂
We are definitely in the same boat! Hopefully we can support each other!
Woah! There’s quite a few lofty goals in here! I’m right there with you on pretty much all of them. My biggest issue with weight loss is portion control. I would also like to start making healthier meals more consistently. Sometimes the easy meals are full of unnecessary calories. I am also working on improving my blog and blog presence. And I’m forcing myself to submit more. Wow, that’s so hard! Really putting yourself out there! But as long as we love it, may as well keep on going! Good luck with your goals for the month!!
Yes…they are all hard! But, I’m done with day one, and it was pretty successful. I hope you do great on your goals too! Thanks for the support!
Good luck with all your goals. It sounds like you have a solid plan to help with each one. I hope you find a ballet class in your area. Ballet is so much fun!
These are great goals. I am working hard on my blogs for much the same reasons. I especially relate to the yelling. My stress was very high the last month and I did not handle it very well. I wish you success with all of these!
Thank you! I hope you reach your goals too!
Okay, I am officially behind. I need to set some goals so I can be held accountable for something.
These are such excellent goals! I too am a SAHM and this is why I am blogging too. l am hoping I can at least cover my blogging expenses. Then maybe a little bit extra to cover gas or groceries. I wish you all the best success!
Thank you so much…and same to you!
Awesome job setting and writing out your goals. Good luck!
Thank you!
We just sold our house and are living with my in-laws until we close on the new house and renovate. So my lists are quite short for the month. I hope to focus a lot on my blog since I have built in babysitters for the time being. And the hubby and I definitely need a date night.
Congrats on all your blog success and good luck with all of your goals.
Young Love Mommy
Thank you Ellen! Built in babysitters are the best. Good luck with your move!
Great goals girl! Love your blogging goals and also especially date night with hubby! Date nights are so wonderful and important!
Yes! We have been slacking and need to get back to it ASAP. 🙂
I love that you don’t just list amazing goal but you have shared how you are going to accomplish them. It looks like your blog is really growing and that is so great!
Thank you so much Britt! It’s definitely in part to Let your Blog thank you!
I love that you’re writing it all down! I think that helps a lot with realizing goals! I can’t wait to see how well you do (you’re gonna be awesome!). And congrats on making to 15 on TMB! I keep meaning to sign up there, guess I’m going to have to break down and do it, lol.
Thank you so much Trish! And yes you should sign up! You know I’ll vote for you 🙂
wow…you’ve got a hefty list of goals…I hope you’re able to accomplish them all.
Thanks…me too!