What made you happy this week? Every Friday, a group of bloggers (Krysten from Why Girls Are Weird , Lindsay from The Flynnigans and Charlotte from My Pixie Blog ) team up to write about the things that made them happy each week. Every Friday, I think I’m going to do it, and then I forget. So, since it seemed like a long week, I’ve decided to look on the bright side and tell you about my happy things this week.
I’m not sure if you’ve seen it circulating around Facebook, but there’s been a video about making your own microwave popcorn. I was a little skeptical as to how it would turn out and/or taste, but I followed the instructions and HOORAY my new favorite snack!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been snacking on popcorn for a while, but it’s either the microwave variety or the hot air popper. The microwave is not good for you, and the hot air popper just takes so darn long. Now, all I do is take 1/3 of a cup of kernels, 1 Tsp of Olive oil, and salt mixed in a cup, which I then pour into a brown paper lunch bag (I was a little worried they didn’t even sell these anymore since there are all the fancy lunch bags/boxes) and microwave for 2 minutes. I’m still playing around with the time to get the maximum popped with the minimum burnt, but it’s still awesome.
New and Old Shows on Amazon
We’ve been members of Amazon Prime for a while now. Beside the free shipping, another fantastic perk is the tons of TV shows. Some of my favorites include Mozart in the Jungle (an Amazon exclusive,) Girls, House of Lies, The Americans, and a brand new season of Orphan Black. Hooray!
I’ve been waiting not so patiently for season 3 for it seems like years (probably only 6 months or so!) so when it popped up as recently added the other night, I was ecstatic. Especially since I just finished watching The Royals (don’t judge. It’s ridiculous, but so addicting) entire first season, and I’ll have to wait for season 2 for a while.
If you haven’t seen Orphan Black, it’s really good. It’s science fiction, a lot of drama, with a bit of comedy thrown in. I get confused occasionally, but I just can’t stop watching.
If you’d like to have access to all these awesome shows, you can click-through my affiliate link for a free 30 day Trial here:
Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
Easter Parties
Mr. B had his Easter Party yesterday. Well, I guess I should call it his “Spring” party, so not to offend.
My husband came home early, so that I could go volunteer at the party. Even though it was sleeting and yucky outside, the party was definitely had a spring feel to it. There was a sack jumping game, a ring toss, terrarium making, and I was in charge of a crazy game of Duck, Duck, Goose.
Everyone then calmed down a bit, only to have snacks and get all sugared up right before coming home. It was nice to drive Mr. B home, instead of waiting for him on the bus. Plus, with the terrible weather, it made me feel safer to have him with me.
Tomorrow, we’ll be hunting eggs at my parent’s house, and then on Sunday it’s off to my husband’s brother’s house. Needless to say, the kids will be having lots of chocolate in the next two days, which make them very HAPPY.
Working Out
I’ve finally got rid of all my sickness, my back injury (for the most part,) and am back to the gym. I actually have been there every day this week. I was even hoping to go today, but I’m not so sure I can convince Mr. B, who is enjoying his first day of Spring Break. I don’t think he wants to take off his pajamas…and I can’t say I blame him.
While I’m still getting back to my workout groove, I’ve been feeling pretty good in the classes I’ve taken. I took a Zumba, a Barre class, and a couple of Boot Camp classes. I’m a little sore, but a good sore.
So, there you have it. The things that made me happy this week. I’m looking forward to a weekend of family, chocolate, and plastic eggs. How about you? What made you happy this week? What are you looking forward to this holiday weekend?
I love the idea of this link up! And awhile ago I started popping my own popcorn on the stovetop – I love that I can control how much oil/salt is used and I don’t even need butter!
Exactly! I don’t use any butter either.
So glad to see you linking up with us! This is an awesome list–and I keep hearing great things about Orphan Black. I’m kind of meh about science fiction, but I’m intrigued in this case 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend and chat soon, momma!
Believe me, I’m meh about Science Fiction too. I’ve never gotten into it, but after an episode or two of this and I was hooked. Hope you have a great weekend too!
We’re Amazon Prime members now (for about a month) and still haven’t taken advantage of the viewing!
You really should…tons of great shows!
Great things to be happy about! I just did yoga for the first time in months this morning, I forgot how working out makes me so happy!
Easter is my favorite time of year! It’s great to read a happy post.
Thank you!
Yay to you for getting rid of your back injury and feeling better!
Sounds like a week full of some great things! Those workout classes sounds pretty fun. I usually just work out at home, but sometimes I wish I could do some classes.
Thanks for this happy post! Easter is my favorite!
Being sore from the gym is a feeling I just LOVE. Glad you’re feeling better and back at it.
Happy Easter girlfriend, enjoy the long weekend. 🙂 xoxo
Your such an inspiration going to the gym everyday this week.I told myself each day I’m going to go and each day I havn’t.Work been pretty hetic for me as well as my personal life and I’ve been focusing on my me time to be mentally healthy.I told myself the weekend will be best for me since I’m off and hopefully they will be less people in the gym.Hope you enjoy your easter. http://sheismelrose.net/
I’m going to really have to try that popcorn snack. It’s already my favorite snack and you’re telling me that it gets better? I’m in!
Great idea! I love watching old shows on Amazon! Working out makes me happy too
Lots of happiness 🙂 I love having Prime. But its popcorn that I really couldnt live with out. I used to make it on the stove but now I have an air popper! I like the brown bag too for when its just me! Happy Easter!
Oooohhhhh! I’m definitely going to try the popcorn idea! I hadn’t seen that yet!
So glad to hear you have fully recovered, just in time for Easter! Seems like it was a fun ‘Spring’ party! I made vegan cake for the first time this week, for our friends birthday this weekend and I am pretty happy about it, should see how its turned out 😉
xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com
I hadn’t heard of the microwave popcorn hack! I wish I had grown up on that instead of the awful chemical versions :(. So glad you are feeling better all around!
Happy Easter Shan!! I hope you guys have a great one. Also I’ve tried that popcorn method, so interesting and incredible that it actually works!!
Ohhh…I am going to have to check out Orphan Black. Sounds like it’s right up my alley!
Zumba is one of my favorite things to do to workout. I should look into taking actual classes and be a little social instead of just sticking to my DVDs. 🙂
I am definitely a Popcorn lover as well! We got one of those crank stove top pots. The kids love to turn it and it goes pretty quickly! Glad to hear you are feeling better! I’ve wanted to try a Barre class!!!
Wait. You can make your own microwave popcorn?!??! i must try this! and i’ve been dying to start watching Mozart in the Jungle. Thanks for the reminder!
Ahhhh prime!!! My daughter is obsessed!!!! All the nick shows!!!! Well I Hope you had a fabulous Easter 🙂 xoxo
These are great happy things. Working out like you is a big one for me!
So many things to be grateful for sure. I want to check out how to make my own popcorn. Working out always makes me feel happy. I tend to do everything except take care of myself so when I do exercise I’m super happy. :)I’m so glad you all are feeling better.