More Fun, Less Stress
I have tried to make that my motto lately, although it doesn’t always work. I’ve actually been working on my stress level for a while, as you can see from this POST. As long as I am trying, that’s what counts, right? So, I’ve put together some tips that I am using to make the holiday a little less stressful for everyone involved. Including me. Especially me.
I’m going to show you an example from Thanksgiving, but these tips can be used for any holiday or special event.
Deciding Where to go
Since me and my husband both like spending time with our families during the holidays, we’ve made a schedule that we usually stick to each year. Some people alternate or celebrate holidays on a different day, but we’ve just found a system that works for us.
If you have more than one event that falls on a certain day, try to make a decision as soon as possible for both you and your hosts.
In order to not stress the hosts out, we:
- Confirm times of meals. Then inform them of our plan, so they can plan accordingly. We don’t want to waste any food.
- We’ve tried eating at both houses in the past, but it just doesn’t work well. It’s so much pressure to eat fast at one place and get to the other on time, so we plan to eat at only one house.
- For Thanksgiving, we go to my husband’s parent’s house first and stay until late afternoon. We then have dinner at my parents house. My brother does the same with his in-laws, so we are all together.
Getting Ready
I’m not sure about you, but dressing myself for a family gathering is stressful enough. Then, having to dress three squirmy, active boys, and my stress level goes up significantly. This is how I’m taking the stress out of this one.
- Pick out outfits for everyone (me included) at least 2 days before. This will ensure time to wash any pieces that happen to be in the hamper.
- Lay out outfits and label them for the boys, in case Dad has to help out. They will be in our room, so no one messes with them. Yes, twins, I’m talking to both of you who think throwing clothes around the room is funny.
- Pack a pair of Pajamas for each boy in with the extra diapers and wipes. Since we are going to two different houses, everyone is wiped out at the end, and it’s just easier to have them already in PJs so they can go directly from car to bed.

What to Bring
I am not a big cook. I know you’re shocked since I post so many recipes on the blog. Ha! So, in order to not stress myself out, I’m going to:
- NOT try to prepare a dish I’ve never made before
- Instead, I’ll just bring the wine. There’s always a need for wine.
The Night Before
Since no naps will be taken on Thanksgiving (or any holiday, party, etc.) I’m going to try to get everyone to bed early the night before. Blog posts will be scheduled for Friday and Saturday, so I won’t be worrying about that, and can just enjoy family time. Plus, make sure:
- Camera is charged and packed.
- My phone is charged and we bring a charger with us.
- I bring extra sippy cups, diapers, and wipes.
- Bring a pair of slippers for myself because my feet aren’t used to being in heels for very long.
- Pack the boys’ extra Pajamas
And that’s it. That’s my plan. Short, sweet, simple, and I hope stress free!
How do you decide what to do for the holidays? Special events? Any tips that get you through the day without very much stress?
Great post! Mine is going to be busy busy as well. Heading to Florida tomorrow morning to see family. Definitely charging the camera! 😉
This is great, Thanksgiving is really stressful trying to split between families. It is the worst part about the Holiday season!
I actually just shared my plan today too! But mines much simpler- STAY. HOME.
I’m almost giddy by the prospects. I’ve never taken a year off before, but with all that’s been going on here at home and in my extended family, everyone just needs a break! 😀
That actually sounds awesome! Have a great one. 🙂
Shann, great plan! I’m with you, the less stress, the better. Bringing wine is an excellent idea! Preparing way in advance should cut down on your time and allow you to better enjoy yourself. Can’t wait to hear how everything worked out. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you!
Oh the stress from the holidays! It can literally drive someone crazy. Been there many times before and I don’t even have kids (well I have furbabies).My boyfriend and I have tried making the whole doing both families for the holidays but it has not worked out. So we just do our own families and be done with it. I’m sure that will change if we get married, so I will need to get with you on how you make your plans work so well. I hope y’all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you, Mistle. You too 🙂
Wow! You sound very very busy this time of the year Shann! But with your tips, it sounds like you’ve gotten it under control 🙂 P.S.: I don’t know if it was intentional, but I chuckled over your picture when you put “Less Stress” over the hubby and “More Fun” over your smiling face! HAHA! Was that on purpose!? 😛 😛 Great post as usual!
Ha! I didn’t even notice that. Hilarious! I wish I was that creative 🙂
Great tips.. we always bring PJ’s to holiday events since the kids always fall asleep on the ride home! have a wonderful week!
OH man, this is why we cook. You want to see us, you get in your cars, people without kids. LOL! I always cook on Thanksgiving and we barely fit people into my dining room and spill into my office. But my mom helps and my grandma brings things too so really, I only make a third of what we’re having and that’s pretty do-able. Then for Christmas, Matt’s family celebrates on Christmas Eve, so we go there. Then Christmas morning is ours, and then my family come over for dinner and it’s just so much less stress and easy going. Totally love it.
That sounds perfect, Sara.
Well no Thanksgiving here (UK) but I just hate to see people stressing over Christmas planning. It’s Christmas! As long as everyone is healthy and happy, does it really matter if the table cloth gets a bit of gravy on it or the carrots are a tad crunchy?? Don’t stress yourself out over the small stuff, just enjoy each other xx
Exactly 🙂
Great plan! My hubby and I started cooking the entire Thanksgiving meal for his side of the family because his parent’s couldn’t do it last year and I couldn’t stand the thought of them sitting alone, waiting on us to bring them leftovers from my family’s get together. I’ve never had to cook anything for Thanksgiving a day in my life. I’d always helped my parents but never done any of it on my own so last year my stress level went up but my hubby and I got in the kitchen together for the two days before Thanksgiving and got it all done. We still missed my family get together (the first time in my life). This year we’re more prepared. As much as this time of year could stress me out, it doesn’t anymore because i’ve got my husband and we have so much fun getting everything ready together.
That’s awesome!
This is a great post, Shann! Thanksgiving can be such a stressful time, but it can also be magical and wonderful if you take time to figure out how to plan for he holiday so that you can relax and enjoy family instead. I appreciate this post!
I love the idea of dressing the kids in their pjs so you can just take them from car to bed–SMART! Also there is always a need for more wine bottles at the dinner table. You’re welcome over anytime 🙂
We decided to only do one dinner this year, to alleviate a lot of the back and forth with the driving. With traffic one year we spent four hours in the car and decided it just wasn’t worth it any longer and it added so much stress to the day. It sucks not to be able to see everyone, but peace of mind is important (and there are 364 other days to celebrate with family, right?) XOXO
Exactly! I can’t even imagine being stuck in traffic for 4 hours with my boys. I think I would have got out and started walking.
These are great tips! We’re kind of running all over the place this year but I’m hoping to slow down after this year a bit 🙂
Great motto and great tips! I think we should all try to live by that motto…wouldn’t life be good 🙂 Love the family picture…you are all adorable! Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Clothes & Quotes
Thank you. You too!
Great thoughts! Holidays can be a bit stressful, but like you mention, with a little bit of planning, we can have more fun and less stress!
Sounds like you have your hands full over there! My boys are older now – and I will actually make them help out with our Thanksgiving meal. Enjoy the holiday!
My family lives about 3-4 hours from us, so doing both my husband’s family and mine would be very difficult in one day. This year we did Thanksgiving with his dad this past weekend. It makes it so much less stressful to know we can go visit my parents for a couple of days and not have to come late or leave early to be somewhere else!
Yes! That is awesome!
These are great tips, Shann! Especially picking out clothes two days before hand. I do that. I never would have thought of bringing PJ’s along so the kids can just go straight to bed. Genius!
Why, thank you 🙂
Love your attitude towards the holiday! I think sometimes we put unnecessary stress on ourselves making the holidays that much more hectic. I am going to go with your approach!
Thank you! 🙂
Thinking Thanksgiving through ahead of time is very wise! We are at an advantage (I’ll call it that) in that we don’t live by both sides of our family so wherever we spend a holiday is the only place we go to that day. It makes it easier.
That does make it easier. Have a great time!
Love the tips, and I LOVE your boys sweaters. Having a game plan is key to make it through any holiday with the kiddos.
Yes! Thank you!
It looks like you’ve got everything squared away for Thanksgiving! Anytime we go somewhere that we know we’re going to be there later than the boys’ bedtime, we pack the PJs too. That way, if they fall asleep we can just put them in the car and transfer them to their bed when we get home!
Exactly! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving Dana.
Girl! You have it all together! I need to be planned like you! My main plans revolve around what I need to take for my kids to nap! We always go to my in-laws and they invite my family, which is a huge blessing that we all get to be together. They also never ask me to bring food…not sure if its cause I have three little kids or because I cant cook! 😉 But, til last year, we also drove in from out of town, so thats really why they didnt have us worry about food! We moved back home (to Atlanta) last year so now we are close! This year, my husband is going to smoke the turkey….wish us (him?!) luck! 😉
Ha! I can’t cook either. Best of luck to your husband…I hope the Turkey is delicious. Happy Thanksgiving!
Luckily we are staying close to home this Thanksgiving and just going to my in-laws that live down the road but come Sunday we have to travel almost 2 hours to my parents house. This will be the first time we do the drive with both kids so I am nervous! Wish me luck!
Good luck! Bring lots of snacks 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Excellent tips! The holidays are always so stressful, but with a little planning they can go so smoothly!
Exactly. Thank you!
sounds like a good plan
last year was stressful since we traveled 12 hrs up to my Mom’s
but this year we are staying home!
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
That sounds much less stressful. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Good tips…anything to help make things less stressful!
Organizing three little ones is no small task!! I have a huge amount of respect for all you’re able to accomplish in a day! And I love the alligator shirts!!
Awe. Thank you so much!
Hi Shann,
There is a lot to be said about making it a point to do things that eliminate unnecessary stress. I think it’s great that you’re planning ahead and not creating extra work for yourself if you don’t have to.
Thanksgiving is a stressful holiday as it is, and I hope yours is more relaxing and enjoyable with the intentions you’ve set here.
great tips! happy thanksgiving!! <3
I am using this list. Holidays STRESS me out. My in-laws are…it’s a stressful time. This covers exactly what I need. Great post!
Great plan!!! I’ll be home for thanksgiving with family just enjoying the day we most likely wont go anywhere. Me and my ma usually fix food the days before that way we wont have to stress about cooking food all day lol!
Great Post Shann. It’s my first Thanksgiving in US and am really excited. Have to do so much stuff and am so excited for Black Friday’s deals. Will shop till my feet gives
Happy Thanksgiving to you and wish you have a great time with family and your kids. 🙂
Nice. I hope you get a lot of good deals! Happy Thanksgiving Anamika!
There’s always need for wine!! Great plan. I know so many people that stress about how they are going to split time between families. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Shann,
I love your family pic. Your kids are at the squirmy age aren’t they. And you have very good reason to prepare. At their ages they don’t care for schedules or plans or if mummy feels any sort of pressure. As a bystander – I love that the twins think it is funny throwing clothes around. I am thoroughly entertained by your adorable family.
What are all your kids under 5 years of age. You really don’t do things by halves do you. Happy Thanks Giving I hope it was enjoyable for you. I just wonder what time you took off your heals and headed for the slippers. Great idea wine. Thanks for your post – I always enjoy them.
Well, looks like I am already stressed and the day has not even started yet ha ah..But I try to prep certain foods ahead of time to cut down on some of the stress.
Great tips! I love the before the night tips. Also I haven’t seen (or maybe just missed) your new blog layout and design. It looks great!!
My question is why does there have to be any stress in any holidays? none in this house