December 2018 No matter how hard I tried to fight it, we are right in the middle of holiday season. In recent years, my anxiety and stress levels don't allow me to fully enjoy this time of year, so I can't say I was really looking forward to it. However, this year and this season have been OK. Not entirely great, but not exactly terrible either. So, I'm ready to face December … [Read more...]
November 2018 Goals: Behind the Scenes
November 2018 Seriously? How is it November 2018. I feel as if all of October went by in a big blur. I thought I got a lot done, and I know we were busy. However, when I went back and looked at my goals, it did not look good. This past month actually looked like a big fail. But, that's life, right? You can plan as much as you want, and set expectations, but reality … [Read more...]
December 2017 Goals with a November Review
December 2017 Goals How can I be writing out my December 2017 goals? I'm honestly not sure what happened to November. One minute I was trying to figure out what to do with all the leftover Halloween candy, and the next thing I know it was Thanksgiving. It went by in such a blur, I'm not even sure that I accomplished one thing from my goal list. Mostly because I can't even … [Read more...]
December 2016 Goals, with a November Rewind
December 2016 No. I am in no way ready for it to be December 2016. It seems like we were just setting up our Christmas trees (yes, I said trees!) for Christmas 2015. Where has the last year went? They just keep going by faster and faster. But, there's no way to stop, or even slow down time. So, it's on to setting some goals for December 2016. First, here's a look back … [Read more...]
Holiday 2016 Happenings Here and at Home
Holiday 2016 Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is on the way. It's December today! I still can't really believe it. So, I wanted to share some of our Thanksgiving weekend, and keep you up-to-date on our holiday 2016 happenings, both at home and on the blog. Let's start with a recap of this past weekend. Yes, I know it's almost a new weekend, but I'll explain the delay … [Read more...]