Love and Loss
While I share many stories of hope each week, there are just as many stories of heartbreak when talking about premature birth. Today’s story of love and loss hit especially close to home for me. There are just so many similarities, yet one huge difference.
I will always realize how lucky we were to take two babies home from the NICU. There were many times when I didn’t believe it would happen.
I think that’s why reading about the loss of a twin hurts so much. I can put myself in that position because I imagined it so many times during both my pregnancy and our NICU stay.
Yes, even though there is loss, there is so much love in today’s journey. I can feel it in each word from today’s mother. Even though there is only one survivor, she will always be a mother of twins. Both girls will always live on through their family’s love.
Please meet Emerson and Finley, as told by their mom, Kim.
1. Tell us about your babies.

2. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?

3.Do you know what caused your premature birth?

4.How are you and your baby doing now?

5. What advice would you give to a new preemie or NICU family?

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