An Emergency Can Happen at Any Time. Actually, they usually happen at the worst times, don't they? Well, we had an emergency last night, and it taught me a lot about how unprepared we actually were to handle one. So, I wanted to share our experience in order to help others. Even though it may not be expected, a little preparation can be extremely helpful during an … [Read more...]
Twin Comments: 5 Things That Drive Me Crazy
Twin Comments I totally get it. Twins are unique. It's pretty awesome/weird/amazing/crazy when you see two very similar people walking around. You have questions. You want to say something. But, those twin comments? They sometimes drive me crazy. I say stuff too. Before twins, I probably said some pretty silly stuff or asked some unnecessary questions. So, I'm going to … [Read more...]
Twin Boy Party: Lightning Vs. Thomas
Twin Boy Party 6 years home from the NICU. No re-admittance. Normal development. Time to celebrate with a Twin Boy Party...or as we like to call it a NICUversary! Since the twins birth was traumatic for me, I'm more in the mood to celebrate their homecoming than their actual birth. The twins certainly don't mind, since they get double the presents each year. This was the … [Read more...]
TTTS Signs and Symptoms: Stephanie’s Journey
TTTS Signs and Symptoms Finding out that you're pregnant with twins can be overwhelming. It's hard to know what to expect or even what questions to ask your doctor. The two most important things you can do are ask if your twins share a placenta and what TTTS signs. While Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is rare, it's always important to be educated. Asking about TTTS … [Read more...]
TTTS Awareness Month: Landon and Luke’s Story
TTTS Awareness Month December is a very special time of year in our house. Of course, the holidays are coming up, but in our family the month means something else. December is TTTS Awareness Month. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome caused the premature birth of my twins. TTTS, according to the TTTS Foundation, is: "...a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) … [Read more...]