Ugh. It’s been one of those days….weeks…months.
Last week, after being in excruciating pain for a week, I went to the dentist. Since we don’t have dental insurance, I haven’t been to visit a dentist since being pregnant with the twins.
Now before you scold me, let me back up a little bit.
Before children, I never had a cavity. NOT ONE. Since my first pregnancy, I’ve had 3…well, now 4, PLUS I had to get a Root Canal! That was the consensus the dentist came too after inspecting my teeth, doing x-rays, and some sensitivity testing. It occurred because a previous filling had cracked and decay got in. Yuck.
Have you every had a Root Canal? Well, they are not fun. It wasn’t painful (unless you count the pain from keeping my jaw open forever,) but it was a loooooong process. After numbing the area, they prop your mouth open, then cover the rest of the area with this latex shield. Plus, you get to wear some cool sunglasses. For like 3 hours. While they drill, scrape, fill, sand, drill some more, grind, etc. Yuck. Again.
The cracking of the filling probably came from the fact that I grind my teeth. One of my bad anxiety habits. It’s also increased with age (and with children.)
You know what else has increased? The number of mice in our house. I’m not speaking of Mickey or Pete (Is he a mouse?) but of the rodents that have taken residence in our basement.
I was getting ready to wrap Christmas presents last night, and in the process found a candy wrapper chewed to shreds. It had been in a plastic case attached to a small stuffed animal, which was also chewed threw. I then started inspecting around the room, and found other indications of our visitors. I’ll just leave it at that. But, know that I am totally grossed out, and was on the phone with the exterminator this morning.
I should also mention that my husband did set a few traps last night. One is empty. The other is gone. Completely gone. Yuck, yuck, yuck.
So, on that note, with just a few days until Christmas, I am in a fabulous mood. Those mice better steer clear.
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