My Mom
My mom is truly my best friend. She’s always been there for me, supported me, and most importantly loved me. I wanted to share a little bit about what makes my mom so special to me on this Mother’s Day.
Growing Up
When I was little, my Mom took me to every dance class, swim lesson, and gymnastics practice. She was my brownie troop leader, volunteered to help in our school classroom, went on field trips, and made my lunch every day. She also went to every recital, cheered me on at every swim meet, and even took me to my first concert.
While I wasn’t always grateful, and wasn’t always very nice (especially in the high school years,) I always realized I was very lucky to have such a caring and involved mom.
As an adult
After I graduated high school, she supported my decision to study dance in college, and even to transfer from the University of WI to the University of Arizona.
In fact, she drove cross-country with me, when I decided I needed to bring my car out. We talked every day, and this was before cell phones, so had the phone bills to prove it.
This is when we became even better friends. I had outgrown my attitude (mostly,) and knew I could really tell her anything. She loved me through it all.
When I became a Mom
When I first suspected I was pregnant, she was the first person I called. I think she was even more shocked than I was.
She was in the delivery room, and even video taped Mr. B’s birth. Although, no one else will EVER see that.
She also came with me when I found out I was having twins. I went out to the waiting room with the ultrasound pictures, and showed her Baby A… and then Baby B, and I just remember us both crying such happy tears. She had always wanted twins.
As you know, that was a very, complicated, and very hard time for me. My mom was really my rock through all of it. She took care of me the entire time.
We were living with my parents at the time because we had sold our house so fast, and hadn’t found another place to live. My mom cooked for me, bought my protein drinks, helped with Mr. B, and went with me to every single doctor’s appointment. And there were A LOT.
She always drove us, and she had to sit through my uncontrollable sobbing many, many times on the way home. It was so hard for me to get bad news each time, but I can’t even imagine the pain she was in too. She had to watch her daughter go through this, and also worry about her two future grandsons. While I regret that she had to go through all of that, I don’t think I would have made it through without her.
So, today, I want to wish my Mom a very Happy Mother’s Day. She is my favorite shopping partner, travel companion, and the best Grandma. I still talk to her at least three times a day (and that’s being very conservative,) and tell her everything.
I love you very much Mom, and I am so thankful for you. If I’m even half as good of a mom as you, my boys will be very lucky.
Ps. Please don’t kill me for posting pictures!
Joules (Pocketful of Joules) says
I love how our relationships with our mother’s change as we grow older. Happy Mother’s Day to your mom and you!
Jill Robbins says
What a beautiful tribute to your mom. I don’t think I realized in the moment how lucky I was to have my mom…but I do now. Happy Mother’s Day!
Greta Hollar says
Such a lovely tribute to your mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
Greta |
Kelsie Kleinmeyer says
I love this! Moms are the best, and yours sounds pretty amazing for sure!!
Kusum @sveetesKapes says
Awww this is amazing Shann! Your mom is beautiful and so glad to hear that she is your rock no matter what. So sweet that you speak to her at least 3 times a day, wonder what we would do without these supermoms (you being one yourself!).
xx, Kusum |
Shann Eva says
Awe. Thank you Kusum. 🙂
Mama By Fire says
This is so sweet!! My mom is my best friend too and I feel so fortunate. I hope she (and you!) had a wonderful Mother’s Day!! Thank you for linking up with us! #TakeTime