TTTS Awareness Month December is a very special time of year in our house. Of course, the holidays are coming up, but in our family the month means something else. December is TTTS Awareness Month. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome caused the premature birth of my twins. TTTS, according to the TTTS Foundation, is: "...a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) … [Read more...]
Falling off the Healthy Eating Wagon
Healthy Eating I've been on a wellness journey for about 3 years now. It's not always easy, and food is always the most challenging aspect for me. Recently, I've had a setback when it comes to healthy eating. I wish I could say it stemmed from a certain incident, like my car accident, but in reality, it had been happening gradually for a while. While my accident, and the … [Read more...]
Growth Restriction in Single and Multiple Pregnancies
Growth Restriction Growth restriction during pregnancy is a very serious condition. It is called IUGR, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, in single pregnancies, and SIUGR, Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction, in twin pregnancies. Unfortunately, it is also a condition that I am very familiar with, as one of my twins suffered from it. According to WebMD: Intrauterine … [Read more...]
To My Mom on Mother’s Day
My Mom My mom is truly my best friend. She's always been there for me, supported me, and most importantly loved me. I wanted to share a little bit about what makes my mom so special to me on this Mother's Day. Growing Up When I was little, my Mom took me to every dance class, swim lesson, and gymnastics practice. She was my brownie troop leader, volunteered to help in … [Read more...]
My Twins A and B: A Complicated Pregnancy
Twins A and B My twins were known as twins A and B for many weeks after their birth. We were not prepared with names. We were not prepared for the journey that followed, or really anything. They came extremely early. 25 weeks, 5 days to be exact. Before Micro Preemie Monday, I'd like to share my pregnancy story with you. I know many of you have probably read it, but … [Read more...]