Now that we’ve almost made it through April, I’ve started to think about May. April was extremely busy (take a look back HERE if you don’t remember,) but I’d rather be busy than bored. Although, with 3 boys, can you ever be bored? I think not.
May 1st starts out with kindergarten orientation for my oldest. Yikes! I still can’t believe he’s going to be in ALL DAY kindergarten. I’m not sure if he believes it yet either. I do know he is extremely excited to ride the school bus. I’m pretty excited for that too. My Dad has been very nice, and most days drives him to and from preschool. It will just be nice to give him a break, and not have to worry about it.
May 4 (remember May the fourth be with you?) is the twins 3rd birthday. We’re not doing a big party this year. Instead, we’ve decided to take all three boys to the Day Out with Thomas. If you don’t have boys, or if you don’t have boys that are obsessed with trains, it’s a special event at a railroad museum. There is a train made to look like Thomas the Train that you get to ride, then there are other characters and trains to see too. We’re making a little trip out of it, so I’ll keep you updated on that.
(This is from their 1st birthday)
For their actual birthday, I’m sure there will be cake. Probably a little family celebration too, but nothing too crazy. We always celebrate the day they came home from the NICU too because that is when they were supposed to be born. That happens in August, since they were 3 months early.
What else is going on in May? Well, I’ve decided to focus a little more on this blog, and each Monday, I’m going to do a special post. I’m going to share some of my money-saving tips. Since I stay at home with the kids, and don’t have my own income, I do my best to save our family money. If you know me, and know how much I love to shop, you’re probably wondering how I do it. Well, that is exactly what I will be telling you in my “Money-Saving Mondays.” I might throw another special post day in, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, I’d love to hear them. Just leave me a comment!
(Some of my most famous Target hauls…although, I’m hoping for less diaper buying in the near future!)
I’m also hoping that May brings us some warmer weather and sunshine. I’d like to get the kids outside more without it taking a half hour to get each of them dressed. It’s Wisconsin, so you never know.
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