Little Amerrika As a family, we try to take a road trip or a small vacation each summer. Last year, we hit Minneapolis, and the year before that, it was Vegas. This year we decided to stay in our home state of Wisconsin. With my accident, and with a bigger trip planned for Fall, we wanted to save money and just do something close to home. So, we took a couple of days off to … [Read more...]
Looking on the Bright Side of a Rainy Week
Bright Side It's been cloudy and rainy all week. I think the sun may have tried to poke through halfway through, but it wasn't nearly enough. With the gloom outside, it's also been a challenging week inside. However, I'm choosing to look on the bright side today. Here are the things that made me happy and grateful. Bright Side of Family Mr. B Mr. B has been upset … [Read more...]
Happy Endings: Change your Perspective
Endings It's that time of year where things are winding down. A couple of weeks of school left, one dance performance done, my student's performance in just a few weeks, and hopefully the end of Winter. (Seriously. This Wisconsin weather has been pretty crazy. I think we've had both our heat and air conditioning on this week.) Endings are happening, and I think we're all … [Read more...]
Money-Saving and The Month of May
Now that we've almost made it through April, I've started to think about May. April was extremely busy (take a look back HERE if you don't remember,) but I'd rather be busy than bored. Although, with 3 boys, can you ever be bored? I think not. May 1st starts out with kindergarten orientation for my oldest. Yikes! I still can't believe he's going to be in ALL DAY … [Read more...]
March for Babies and Weather Alert
Tomorrow is the big day. I've been begging, bugging, and pleading for donations for the March of Dimes for the past couple months, and the March for Babies is finally here! While not all of my fundraisers were complete successes, I am so grateful for the overwhelming support our family team got this year. We raised over $2000, which was our goal. Woo Hoo! My husband is … [Read more...]