While I often talk about the struggle we have as premature and NICU moms, there is another person who is a big part of this journey. NICU dads play such an important role that is sometimes overlooked.
Even though it is not their body, watching the mother of your child go through pain, both physical and mental, is excruciating. Not being able to do anything to stop a pregnancy from having complications or your baby from coming early is just as heartbreaking for the father.
Then, they must also watch their baby fight their way through the NICU.
As you’ll read today, NICU dads can play a very important role. They can serve as a source of strength, and also as an advocate.
While it wasn’t easy, it helped to talk to my husband when we made decisions during my pregnancy,and during the twins’ NICU stay. When I got very emotional about things, it helped to have him there to listen.
Today, you’ll meet one of those amazing NICU dads. He helped his wife fight and get the care they all needed.
Please meet Tyberius, as told by his mom, Ashley.
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