Healing Touch As any preemie or NICU parent can tell you, touch is such an important part of their journey to healing. That connection is something that even medicine can't take the place of. When my twins were in the NICU, I wasn't allowed to hold them for the first week. They were very fragile, and couldn't handle very much stimulation. The trauma of the delivery alone … [Read more...]
NICU Dads: An Advocate and Support System
NICU Dads While I often talk about the struggle we have as premature and NICU moms, there is another person who is a big part of this journey. NICU dads play such an important role that is sometimes overlooked. Even though it is not their body, watching the mother of your child go through pain, both physical and mental, is excruciating. Not being able to do anything to stop … [Read more...]
Help from Family and Friends, Koltin’s story
Help While it's never easy to ask, we all need help sometimes. The NICU is definitely one of those times. Even the most self-sufficient person needs help when you have a baby in the hospital. Whether it's a ride to the hospital as you're healing from your emergency c-section, someone to watch your other children at home, or just someone to listen as you cry, help is needed. … [Read more...]
Hope and Grief, Isla and Beckett’s Story
Hope and Grief It's so hard to have hope during a time of grief. If you've ever lost someone, you know how difficult it can be to think about anything else. The grief can be so consuming and effect every aspect of your life. But, what if you don't have time to just experience the grief? What if you need to be strong for someone else who is also fighting for their life? How … [Read more...]