School Days
Summer school has ended for Mr. B, and with that ending, it brings us to the beginning of actual school days. I registered Mr. B last night, and I got the twins’ preschool letter too.
I’m going to have a first grader! And (potty training pending) 2 preschoolers! Yikes! How did this happen?
Not only has this summer went by at lightening speed, but it seems to have been jam-packed with activities, little to no sleep, and a lot less blogging. It hasn’t been purposeful, it’s just that I’ve had a lot less time and energy with the change in the twins sleeping habits. They have been getting better about waking at night, but I still need to lay down with them to get them to nap.
I know we could probably eliminate naps by this point, but they get so cranky by 4 pm without one. So, I lay down with them until they fall asleep, and then I’m usually asleep too. By the time we eat dinner and get the boys ready for bed, I’m just done for the day. Luckily, school days will be breaking this pattern soon!
So, let me catch you up on our recent happenings, and share what we have planned for the rest of the summer.
Life Lately
After our 4th of July activities, we’ve been keeping pretty busy each weekend. I teach ballet every Saturday morning, and my husband usually works the rest of the day. Sundays, we do some sort of family activity. There have been a lot of bike rides, movie nights, and runs through the sprinkler.
My husband and I had a date night at Summerfest, where we saw Ryan Adams in concert. Summerfest is a giant music festival on Milwaukee’s Lakefront. We hadn’t been there since I was pregnant with Mr. B, so we had a lot of fun eating, drinking, people-watching, and, of course, listening to music.
The next weekend, we went to my Twins’ Club’s summer party. It was at a park that had a splash pad, so the kids had a blast.
We celebrated my Dad’s birthday last weekend at a Japanese Steakhouse. Big C, Mr. B, and all their cousins loved watching the chef, but Little P was a little scared of the fire. So, we watched from the lobby area. Then, we rejoined everyone for dinner and singing Happy Birthday to Grandpa. They got balloon swords, which were a huge hit…until they popped outside in the humid, hot weather.
During the week, I take the twins to the gym with 2 mornings. We then run some errands, and pick up Mr. B from school. When it wasn’t super hot, we would go early and play on the playground until he got dropped off. Grandpa usually takes them to a story hour another day, and our beloved babysitter comes on the occasional Friday, so I could grocery shop ALONE.
This week Mr. B had finished summer school, so we went to a movie one day, and hit a local Kidsfest on another day. It was pretty hot, but the kids still got to jump in a bouncy house, get their hair colored, and get lots of free treats. Can you guess what colors they went with? We even saw Mr. B’s Kindergarten teacher!
What’s Ahead
August is already filling up fast. This weekend, we are headed to a church festival, and then heading to Green Bay for the Green Bay Packers’ family night with the March of Dimes.
I’m so excited about our kick-off meeting with my Twins’ Club, and our 2 year anniversary for my book club. I’ve met so many great women and made great friendships in both clubs. I’m so happy to be a part of them.
As a family, we’ve got the Twins’ Nicuversary Party mid-month. I’ve got the theme planned out, but I need to work on decorations and the menu. Then, we head to my birthday celebration/vacation in Vegas! It will be the kids first trip on a plane, so please cross your fingers for us. They seem really excited now, but I know I’ll be worried as we get closer. Plus, I’m not that great of a flyer myself.
Once we get back, it’s Potty Training Boot camp! I honestly haven’t been trying too hard with potty training because of our upcoming trip. The thought of having to take the twins in an airplane bathroom just sounds like torture. So, as soon as we get back, it’s goodbye diapers, and hello sitting on potty chairs all day.
By that time, summer will really be over, and school days are here for all three kiddos. I’m going to be one emotional mommy!
I’m only going to be able to post a couple of times a week for the rest of the summer, but when those school days hit, you can expect a lot more.
How has your summer been going? Any fun plans for the remaining weeks? Are you looking forward to school?
Your family is adorable. My plans for summer include a beach trip with my husband but can’t wait until we have kids because our summer’s will be even more fun. 🙂
I’m amazed that we’re so far into summer everyone is talking about school already! My August is already packed too so I’m sure it will fly by! Hope you really get to slow down a bit and enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
aw you’ll be in my neck of the woods! Have so much fun at Family Night!
I can’t believe it’s almost time for school to start back!
I remember those days of little rest! But man, totally jealous of the Green Bay Packers Family Night! I was raised a Packer, but married a Viking. It’s a mixed marriage, but we try to make it work 😉
NO worries, momma. You post when you can, and it sounds as though you guys have had a really busy summer so far. But that you are all enjoying yourselves! I can’t believe how big the boys are getting; seems they shoot up another three inches every time I pop in here! I’m glad you guys got to enjoy a date night–Summerfest sounds like so much fun!
Sending much love and best of luck with potty training boot camp! XOXO
My goodness, your summer is packed!! Enjoy!!
Doesn’t it seem like the second half of summer just disappears?! We have 3 weeks to school and its crunch time. Don’t take away the naps. Naps are awesome LOL
The kids are getting so big! I know summer has challenged my blogging schedule too. Have a wonderful time with your family!
I always feel like the summer will be simultaneously restful and productive, but it never is! You have fit so many good things in there! Enjoy your final summer days with your sweet boys!
Your kids are so cute! I’m going to start university in the fall but, funny enough, my best memories are from preschool.
Having a 1st grader is going to be such a big change! He’ll be gone all day! Sounds like you have fun events planned for August though, enjoy the summer while it lasts!
Laura | Laura Aime Vous
That sounds like a month full of action ahead. For potty training we have some fantastic new products that might help a lot. Maybe you should try them out. You can find our best product here.
I am not ready for the school year quite yet. Summer went by way to quickly! We will be starting potty training also. Best of luck to both of us! 😉
I love the my school days. We can’t do them now except memorizing. Playing is only thing we do at that age happily. I love to explore and learn from playing. My idea to raise my kids is the same way with the help of some toys like