School Days Summer school has ended for Mr. B, and with that ending, it brings us to the beginning of actual school days. I registered Mr. B last night, and I got the twins' preschool letter too. I'm going to have a first grader! And (potty training pending) 2 preschoolers! Yikes! How did this happen? Not only has this summer went by at lightening speed, but it seems … [Read more...]
Fun on Friday
Fun Who had some fun this week? Even though the months seem to fly by, this week dragged a bit for me. Perhaps it was the raging hunger or the lack of energy from beginning the Whole30? Or maybe the never-ending tantrums from the twins? Or it might have been the not sleeping at night thing. Well, enough of that. I did have a little fun this week, and this weekend looks to … [Read more...]