Ugh. I am so over the toddler bed transition. I seriously have reached my breaking point…which I thought I had already reached on Saturday.
The first few nights seemed to go well. Sure, there were a few tears and a couple trips to put everyone back in their own beds. And, of course, there were the extremely early wake up calls of “Mommy where are you?” at 5am, followed by footsteps running around their room, and banging on the door. But, I thought we had made some progress. We did not.
Saturday nap time was a disaster. Neither baby would stay in their bed, then they ripped the gate apart and got into everything that was gated off. They destroyed a picture I made for their room, clothes and toys were everywhere, and no one was even close to sleeping. I lost it.
I put the twins in the living room, then took everything that wasn’t nailed down out of the room. I had my husband nail the gate to the floor and wall to block the two dressers that are in the room.
Aahhhh. Now, we’re good. What else could they possible do?
Monday and Tuesday, both bed and nap time went fine. Cut to today.
After a large thud, this is how I found them. Sure, they look adorable, but they could seriously hurt themselves. Since their changing tables are attached, I wasn’t really sure what to do.
Until my husband could get home to disassemble the beds, I figured I’d just put the mattresses on the floor, and turn the cribs around. Wrong again.
They then used the mattresses to help get themselves over the gate that guards the dressers. On top of the dressers, I have a couple of those star-making stuffed animals. I heard the noise, so I found one of them in the gated area, while the other had the aforementioned stuffed animals they had been apparently passing off to each other.
My latest attempt at sanity is to leave only one mattress in the middle of the room. I can still hear them running around, but they can’t climb on anything or hurt themselves jumping off.
I really think the only solution is to take absolutely everything out of the room except the mattresses. If anyone has lived through this transition, please help me! I’m not sure I’m going to make it.
I have lived through this, barely. Started with the toddler beds converted from their cribs with all if their nice things in their room. In the end two dressers bolted to the walls, and a queen size mattress on the floor is all that is left. Someday, hopefully before they are 18, we can graduate to separate beds, but I’m going with what’s working for us this week. Lord knows it will change by next week.
That is too funny. We have a dresser now bolted to the wall too. Everything else is out, except their beds. Good thing they like to be in PJ’s most days because it is hard to get to their clothes.
Were they already climbing out of their crib?
Yes! My big guy climbed out first, but once we put his mattress on the floor, he didn’t try again. My little guy climbed out, put his mattress on the floor, and still got out.