Repeating Kindergarten As a parent, you question your judgement constantly. Well, at least I do. How do you know when you're making the right decision? What if you don't? How will this impact my kids? My family? All of these questions have been on repeat in my mind since we started discussing the twins repeating kindergarten. It wasn't a decision we came to lightly, and it … [Read more...]
NICU Milestones: Zoey and Emery’s Story
NICU Milestones When your baby is in the hospital, every step forward is something to be celebrated. No matter how small it might seem to an outside observer, preemie and NICU parents know how huge NICU milestones are. One less wire or tube, one less alarm, or one more feed can mean that much closer to going home. It's incredibly hard to see your baby suffering, so when … [Read more...]
An Emergency C-Section and a Premature Birth
Emergency C-Section I had my tonsils removed when I was 19. Before that, the only thing close to surgery was when I got my wisdom teeth removed at age 17. I'd only stayed overnight in a hospital one time before my emergency c-section. Scared and alone, with the exception of those 2 small babies in my belly, I had my first major surgery. While my life wasn't in danger, It … [Read more...]
5-year-old Twins: May the 4th be with Me
5-year-old Twins I never imagined I would have 5-year-old twins. Or twins at all, for that matter. I will never forget that day in my doctor's office when she told me. "Do you see that?" she asked. "Yes. Is that the heartbeat?" "Yes. And do you see that?" she asked. "Um. Isn't that the heartbeat?" "Yes, but it's the second heartbeat. It's twins!" she said … [Read more...]
Why We Walk
The Walk The walk is coming up in less than 2 weeks. Unless you're super new around this blog, you know that the walk is the March for Babies, a fundraiser benefiting the March of Dimes. You also probably know the main reasons why we participate in this walk every year. However, I think it's an important reminder, not only for you, but also for myself, why we work so hard … [Read more...]