Vacation Regression What the heck is vacation regression? You know that struggle you've been having getting your kids back into a routine after winter break? The "I don't want to go to school" whines, the meltdowns and tantrums, the missed buses, and mishaps that happen when you go back to "real" life after the holidays? Well, if you don't, I'm going to tell you all about … [Read more...]
Bearegards, a Review
Bearegards A couple of weeks ago, I received a request for a review from a company called Bearegards. I'm pretty selective when it comes to products I review on the blog, but when I heard the story behind this product, and why this company was formed, I couldn't say no. Not to mention, I was pretty sure my kids would love this stuffed animal activity. Spoiler Alert: … [Read more...]
Hitting Milestones
Thank you Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for Kim's story. If you missed either post, you can read them HERE and HERE. I know that it's difficult to read about loss, especially that of a baby, but it's also very important to share stories like this. You never know what another person is going through, and if reading a similar situation may help them, I'm so happy … [Read more...]