September Goals September is one of my favorite months. It's my birthday this month, so that's reason enough. But, there's other stuff too! I've always loved the start of school, the beginning of Fall, and the cooler temperatures that usually start in September. I'm going to make sure my September goals are some great ones this year! Even though I'm not headed back to … [Read more...]
August Goals with a July Update
August Goals Only one more month of Summer vacation! Maybe even less, for some of you. So, I figured I'd better get to my August goals, and fast. With all of the activities, trips, and preparations for back-to-school, it's going to be a busy one. Before I get to my August goals, let's take a look back at July and see what happened. July Goals 1.Make … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek Sunday, Volume 4
Can you believe it's already Sunday again? The countdown to Kindergarten is still in full effect....T-2 Days and I'm still in denial. You can see why right HERE. How am I going to go through each day, all day without this kid? Thank you to everyone that came down to Shop for a Cause to raise money for the March of Dimes yesterday. Macy's has been such an awesome support to … [Read more...]