Swim Lessons We are on day 2 of swim lessons. Yesterday went pretty well, and I thought I'd share our experience, in case you're thinking about swim lessons for your kids. It's a great skill to have, and so important for their safety. Taking 3 to the Pool Both the twins, who are 3, and my oldest, who is 5, are taking lessons. My oldest son took an introductory … [Read more...]
Mommy Guilt and How to deal
As I'm writing this post and my three little ones are eating a snack while watching Thomas, it creeps in. Mommy guilt. It's the yucky feeling you get in your gut when you know you should be playing, reading, snuggling, or talking to your kids, but you have to get something done. The feeling you get when you wonder if you're doing a good enough job raising your kids. The … [Read more...]
Interviews and Appointments
Tomorrow we are meeting a potential babysitter/nanny to help out this summer. It's a pretty big deal. The only people who have ever watched our twins are either my parents or my husband's parents. During the first year, we had to limit visitors because of their weakened immune systems. After that, it was just easier to rely on them because obviously we trusted them, and … [Read more...]
Family Fun Night and Valentine’s Day
Family Fun Night Wednesday night was "Family Fun Night," at my son's preschool. He was super excited to show-off his brothers, and said he had a special surprise. Unfortunately, so did one of my twins. A fever. Boo. Have I mentioned how much I hate flu/RSV/cold season?!?! Luckily, I figured this was only a little virus, as the oldest was sick on Friday. I had … [Read more...]