August Happy first day of August! Another month has flown by bringing us closer to the end of summer. The weather has finally made it feel like summer around here, and we've been taking full advantage. The boys have been out of summer school for a little over a week. It feels much longer! I guess that's one way to stretch out the summer...epic fights, out of control … [Read more...]
A Combination of Complications, Jen’s Story
Combination of Complications Sometimes, it's not just one thing that leads to a premature birth. There can be so many different complications during pregnancy, which can be extremely difficult for both the mother and the unborn child. When there are different complications, it's often hard to find treatments that are both safe for mother and baby. Sometimes, an early … [Read more...]
Your baby’s best advocate, Lily’s story
Advocate When you have a complicated pregnancy and/or a premature birth, you often need to advocate for yourself and your baby. While doctors may know a lot, they don't always know what is the best decision for you or your baby. It is your body, your baby, and your mother's instincts that often have to guide you. Of course, doctors, nurses, and other specialists will guide … [Read more...]