Intrauterine Growth Restriction IUGR, or intrauterine Growth Restriction, is a very serious complication during pregnancy. A baby does not receive the nutrition it needs to grow at the rate that it should. Intrauterine growth restriction is a condition of the placenta, and it can be caused by many different reasons, some unknown. Unfortunately, there isn't much medically … [Read more...]
First Born Fridays and The Third Year
This post has been heavily weighing on my mind for some time now. Sure, life got in the way of writing it, but it was more than that. The third year, when my son was just two-years-old, was one of the hardest years of my life. However, this post is not about me, it's about him. I guess that's what makes it so hard. I will never really know how he was effected by all the … [Read more...]