The VW Bus is a prominent fixture in our family. It all started with my husband, Andy, who is an owner of a VW Bus and also a member of a bus club. When we were dating, and even after we were first married, I'd accompany him on camping trips and outings in the bus. Now that we have the boys, we don't use the bus as much. It doesn't have seatbelts in the backseats, so if we … [Read more...]
School Supplies to Make the Transition Easier
School Supplies By now, you've probably battled the crowds (or were smart, unlike me, and ordered online!) and purchased all of your school supplies. However, there are still a few school supplies you probably need. Going from late nights to early bedtimes, freedom to structure, and not listening to....well, hopefully, hard on children. It's not so easy on us … [Read more...]
New School Year Challenges and How to Cope
New School Year Challenges With anything new, there is an adjustment period. A time of trial and error. And sometimes lots of errors. This Fall has been a huge change for us, and new school year challenges have made an impact on everyone in the family. Not all the challenges have been bad, but they are things we need to work on...otherwise they would be a challenge, … [Read more...]
September 2016 goals, Mid-Month Check
September 2016 September 2016 is halfway done. Can you believe it? We're in the third week of school...although, to be fair, it's the first full week because of Labor Day. However, we have already had a Parent night, gotten our first homework, and become pros at getting to the bus on time. Not to toot my own horn, but we haven't had to run to the bus yet this year. I know it's … [Read more...]
Back to Routine
Routine Ready I was pretty excited to get back into our routine as the holidays came to an end. I even mentioned it HERE. Even though I had the best intentions, our first day back to reality didn't go exactly as planned. It's not that we have a detailed schedule or routine we stick to every day, but when three messy, silly boys are home all day instead of just two, it … [Read more...]