Have you experienced a Quarantine Birthday yet? We've had a few friends and family birthdays happen recently, and yesterday, it was my husband's turn. We joked about it being a quarantine birthday, if only to make light of the situation. During times like this, you have to make the best out of the circumstances that you're given. Social distancing may make life very … [Read more...]
When a Birth Day isn’t really a Birthday
Birth Day As you're pregnant, you dream of the day you'll have your baby. You'll see them for the first time, hold them, and tell them you love them. It's a celebration of life that we mark every year on that special day. However, sometimes that birth day isn't the birthday that you've been hoping for. I never want to sound ungrateful for my miracles, and I'm not … [Read more...]
Eight is Great
Eight It was a Tuesday eight years ago when I first met you. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday, while at others, I really can't believe you are 8-years-old. It hasn't all been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't even put into words how much I love you. Instead, in honor of your eighth birthday, I'm going to share 8 fantastic things about you, Mr. … [Read more...]
Goal Update in May, Mid-month Check
Goal Update As I mentioned at the beginning of May, posting my goals on the blog really helps keep me accountable. Checking in on those goals mid-month and posting a goal update is also a key part of the process. Looking back at what I want to accomplish for the month helps me to assess where I'm at and refocus, if necessary. Life usually doesn't go as planned. So, … [Read more...]
Celebrations of Summer
Summer Celebrations We had a few celebrations over the weekend to start off this summer vacation. We had a new kindergarten graduate, a Whole30 graduate, and a few birthdays, so we took full advantage of making the first weekend of summer vacation memorable. Here's a recap of our summer celebrations...so far. Friday at the Zoo On the first official day of summer … [Read more...]