Spring Cleaning after Easter Spring cleaning time is here! Well, Spring is here at least. We've had some sunshine, and weather that has allowed us to leave the house without 3 layers. I think that's cause for celebration. Plus, I have a re-cap of our Easter festivities. If you read yesterday's post, you'll also remember that my Auction starts TODAY. So after you're done … [Read more...]
Road Trip Ready
Road Trip It's that time of year again! Time for our road trip to the Walker and Willis Birthday Walk to Fight TTTS! I'm very excited to see my sweet friends, get a little sunshine, and raise a lot of money for a good cause. I'm not too excited about being in the car for hours and hours, but I've come up with some ideas to make it more fun. I'm also sharing my ideas on how … [Read more...]
Star Wars Inspired Party Favors
Star Wars Inspired Party Favors Star Wars inspired party favors were a must when we had Mr. B's 6th birthday party. With the release of the new movie, Star Wars is everywhere now. You can see the whole re-cap of our Star Wars Inspired party , including the birthday party review HERE, plus all the food HERE. Today, I wanted to share the 2 different Star Wars Inspired Party … [Read more...]
All about Halloween
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I've always like to dress-up. When I was little, that was my favorite thing to do. We had a giant trunk of my mom and grandma's old clothes, and I would dress up (and often dress my little brother up too,) for hours. When I found out there was a holiday made especially for this activity, I was all in. In … [Read more...]
Easter treats for me and my boys
Easter Treats I've been so focused on the March for Babies and all of the fundraising leading up to it, that I was VERY behind in getting ready for Easter. Luckily, when I opened my container labeled "Easter" from last year, all my Easter treats was already there. I actually didn't even need to go shopping at all this Easter, with the exception of buying … [Read more...]