Adoption Adoption is an amazing gift. It is not always an easy process, and it is often a very emotional one for everyone involved. I, personally, don't have any experience with adoption, however, I have friends that have been through the process. I have seen the heartache and the obstacles that can stand in the way. I have also seen the immense happiness and beautiful … [Read more...]
Identical Twin Differences: Leah and Layla’s Story
Identical Twin Differences Are they twins? Are they identical? Those are two questions that I get all the time. While my boys may look similar, there are identical twin differences that make people question me. My boys were born with a height and weight difference, and it has continued to this day. They also have a few developmental differences, which are a direct result of … [Read more...]
Your baby’s best advocate, Lily’s story
Advocate When you have a complicated pregnancy and/or a premature birth, you often need to advocate for yourself and your baby. While doctors may know a lot, they don't always know what is the best decision for you or your baby. It is your body, your baby, and your mother's instincts that often have to guide you. Of course, doctors, nurses, and other specialists will guide … [Read more...]
Twice a Preemie Parent
Twice Going through a premature birth twice is something I can only imagine. My first pregnancy was full-term, and it was my second that resulted in my premature birth story. Today's Mom, Rachel, experienced a premature birth twice. While today's post focuses mainly on her first daughter, I am still in awe of her strength and courage to go through the journey twice. Of … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Mondays and Joshua
Today, we meet Joshua. His mother Erin also sent me an update, since Joshua just celebrated a birthday. I'm so excited to share him and his story with you. Erin is also happy to answer any questions you may have. Simply leave a comment, and she will either respond directly or I will get you the answer. Also, coming up Saturday, I will be giving you an update on all the … [Read more...]