An Emergency Can Happen at Any Time. Actually, they usually happen at the worst times, don't they? Well, we had an emergency last night, and it taught me a lot about how unprepared we actually were to handle one. So, I wanted to share our experience in order to help others. Even though it may not be expected, a little preparation can be extremely helpful during an … [Read more...]
Scars: When They Start to Fade
Scars Scars on our bodies can come from many different places. They can be a sign of past trauma from an accident, an injury, or in my case, even giving birth. I was sitting with the twins the other day when the topic of scars came up. It's not a typical thing to discuss with children, but the twins didn't have a typical birth or newborn period. Each had a surgery in the … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Mondays and Ashton
I'm so glad you're here to read another wonderful story about a beautiful Micro Preemie. Doing these posts every Monday mean so much to me. I love that these moms and dads have volunteered to share their babies with me, and in turn, allowed me to share them with you. I hope it makes you realize that there are just so many babies that are born way too soon. Medicine is … [Read more...]