Two NICU Journeys When you have twins, you have two of everything. Unfortunately, with a premature birth, that means two NICU journeys. Even though they were born at the same gestation, my twins also had two NICU journeys that were very different from each other. They were born at different weights, which added to the difficulty of my smaller twins' journey. While they … [Read more...]
Happy Endings: Change your Perspective
Endings It's that time of year where things are winding down. A couple of weeks of school left, one dance performance done, my student's performance in just a few weeks, and hopefully the end of Winter. (Seriously. This Wisconsin weather has been pretty crazy. I think we've had both our heat and air conditioning on this week.) Endings are happening, and I think we're all … [Read more...]
Health and Development Updates
Updates It has been a busy, messy, busy, tiring, long week and a half. And it's not over by a long shot. Since I told you about our Preschool Problems, I wanted to share some development updates. I also have a health update for my oldest. Development Updates First, I thought I'd start out with development updates for the twins. As you know, we met with a speech … [Read more...]