It has been a busy, messy, busy, tiring, long week and a half. And it’s not over by a long shot. Since I told you about our Preschool Problems, I wanted to share some development updates. I also have a health update for my oldest.
Development Updates
First, I thought I’d start out with development updates for the twins.
As you know, we met with a speech therapist a couple of weeks ago. If you missed that post, you can read about our visit HERE. Last week Friday, we met with the rest of the development team, which included an Occupational therapist, a Physical therapist, and a behavior specialist. I filled out forms for both boys, then left them to play with the three professionals.
The Good News: They listened, they tried to do everything that was asked of them, and are on track for mostly everything. Hooray! (Although, where are those sweet, listeners at home?)
The Bad News: Where do we go from here? There was some concern over fine motor skills, but they are unable to offer any services unless they need more than one therapy. There was another Speech therapist there, and she agreed that we can re-check in a few months, but she thought they sounded fine.
They recommended they go to a preschool that emphasizes play rather than academics, which I am all for. However, we still have the hurdle of potty training to get over before that can happen. So, we are in a bit of a holding pattern.
Health Updates
My oldest has been having ear trouble for a while. It started with a string of ear infections, followed by a failed hearing test at school. His regular doctor referred us to an ENT (Ear Nose and Throat Specialist,) in December.Β He saw fluid in his ear, but no infection, so he wanted to wait and see before putting in tubes. He also had us set up an appointment with an audiologist.
He hasn’t had another ear infection since that appointment, so we went to the audiologist last week to make sure his hearing is OK. It wasn’t.
The fluid is still there, and he has hearing loss in his left ear because of it. She wants us to go back to the ENT for a follow-up. Appointment made.
In the meantime, and totally unrelated, he woke me in the middle of the night on Monday. He had thrown up all over his bed. Yuck.
I cleaned him up, changed him, and put him in our bed. After about a half hour, he realized he wasn’t done and didn’t quite make it into the bucket I brought in. So, I wiped up the bed, nudged my husband, who had his ear plugs in, and told him we were headed to the couch. And not to roll to my side of the bed.
By the morning, he said he felt fine and wanted to go to school. I figured it was something he ate.
He did fine all day, but didn’t really eat much when he got home. He did drink a LOT of water. Too fast. Luckily, this time he gave me warning and made it to the garbage can I had lined up just in case. The rest of the night was spent on the couch, he slept through the night, and felt fine again the next morning. His appetite wasn’t completely back, however, when he told me he ate a cupcake at school, I knew he was completely fine.
I’ve almost caught up with the laundry, started the online auction (come bid HERE) and have been prepping to teach my first dance class. Mommy will need a hot shower, glass of wine and a few chocolates on Sunday.
How’s your week been?
I hope your little ones all feel better soon!
Tough time. Praying your family is feeling better soon.
Poor boy – an ear infection and some sort of stomach bug – and he still wants to go to school! What a trooper. As for the twins – just a thought – you might have already looked into it but have you checked to see if your local library has any programs they could attend? I know it’s not as good as a regular preschool but our library in addition to storytimes has a number of other activities for that age group. It would at least give them a chance to socialize, play, learn, etc.
We luckily had three snow days (no school!) to start of our week. I love a two day school week. Also, you may have already tried this, but chiropractic did amazing things for my ear problems.
I sure hope everything gets better for your sons! It is great though that the twins are mostly on track with where they need to be. That is very exciting! Hopefully they will be able to get all the fluid out of your oldest sons ear. I know that has to be painful. Poor thing! Hope your week gets better!
A sick kiddo is no fun! Sending you good vibes for the weekend mama! π
Sounds like you have your plate full right now! Hope everything goes well with the ear appointment!
Hi Shann,
Thanks for sharing your update π Always good to hear your boys are doing awesome π
That has to be one of the worst things to wake up to in the middle of the night. π Glad he seems to be over his stomach bug.
Agreed. Thank you!
Being stuck in a holding pattern must be so frustrating when you’re just trying to get the boys all of the help they need immediately. What a wonderfully resilient mommy you are — and I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope next week is better and that everyone is on the mend. Sending so much love and light and hope you have a great weekend, sweetie! XOXO
Thank you so much Charlotte! I really appreciate that!
I used to have ear infections all the time as a kid, I had tubes put in my ears several times. By the time I was in sixth grade all subsided, but I feel the pain. It’s hard to watch your little ones go through these struggles. I hope everything gets better for them!
Hope everyone gets well soon or it might be a really long winter!
Poor kiddos π Sounds like a rough week!
Glad your oldest son is feeling better and good for the twins π
I remember hearing about having tubes in my ears as a kid because I had constant ear infections.
Hope that isn’t the case for your son.
xoxo, Jenny
That sounds like a challenging week and a half. Hopefully the ENT can help your oldest.
You are your boys best advocate, keep pushing, demanding, and asking for all the services they need to succeed in school! Hope big brother feels better soon
So sorry your son was sick. I hope he is better now. It’s so hard when the kiddies are sick.
Hope all the kiddos feel better soon! Enjoy that hot shower, glass of wine and chocolates! Well deserved!
I am ALL for preschools that emphasize play over academics. The preschool Capri goes to has them trace their name every day that she is there and each week they learn a new letter and number. Beyond that it is all fun and games. They are so young to be strictly academic focused. Don’t worry mama! They’ll get there!!!
Wow… Motherhood. You are a nurse, a teacher, a maid, a caregiver, a friend, and so much more… I hope everyone is feeling better. January was awful for us. All six of us were sick on and off. We stayed home the whole month… Missed Awana ( it is a Christian club). So this past week the kids have been wanting to get out and visit cousins and go shopping. Hope this week will be a better week for you. π