It’s that time of year where things are winding down. A couple of weeks of school left, one dance performance done, my student’s performance in just a few weeks, and hopefully the end of Winter. (Seriously. This Wisconsin weather has been pretty crazy. I think we’ve had both our heat and air conditioning on this week.) Endings are happening, and I think we’re all ready.
Mr. B is counting down the last days of First Grade, and the twins just have a couple of fun days left of preschool. A couple of field trips, some fun projects, and a family picnic are all coming up in the next week or two.
While some endings are sad, and can make you wish for more time, they don’t all have to be like that. Endings can be goodbyes, but they can also be hellos. You can change your perspective, and see them as a good change. You can also choose to look forward to what’s coming next.

That’s exactly what I’m doing! I’m sharing all the endings that made me happy this week.
Soccer Season
It was a short season, but I’m happy to report that we finished our last soccer class last night. There were no tears (well, except for me because the coach kept practice outside in the cold and rain,) lots of running aimlessly, and plenty of using hands instead of feet to move the ball.
Big C fought through his anxiety from the first 2 lessons, and finished the season out strong. I think he actually had the most fun of all three boys.
So, while I’m glad we tried it, I’m very happy soccer is over.
The Fastest Netflix Binge Ever
My husband can’t get over how fast I got through all 7 seasons of The Vampire Diaries on Netflix. I’ll admit I was a little obsessed, and watched it late into the night way too often. I may have even snuck in an episode or two while the boys were at preschool. I’m not even going to tell you how many episodes there were because I think I may have a problem.
I do still have 3 episodes left, but I’m saving them for this weekend. Yes, I know I have a problem.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m very sad that I’ve finished the series. Dreamy Stefan, hyper Caroline, mildly annoying Bonnie, evil Damon, and even mostly annoying Elena feel like dear friends to me. What am I going to do without watching them escape their latest enemies and their crazy drama each night? Hmmmm….maybe something productive? Or, more likely, catch up on all the other shows I’ve been neglecting. I’m a bit of a TV junkie, if you haven’t guessed by now.
So, I’m happy to end this obsession and finally get more sleep!
I’m so done with germs and homework.
I love my children’s schools, and they love going to school, but the amount of sickness we’ve experienced this year has been crazy.
From ear infections to strep throat to pink eye, I’m ready for them to get out of those germ infested classrooms.
I know it’s probably like this everywhere, and it’s not completely the school’s fault, but I’m just ready for a week where everyone is healthy. I think the weather is finally cooperating too, so let’s say goodbye to sickness and hello to a healthy summer…pretty please.
Mr. B’s teacher has actually been awesome about not assigning too much homework, but any homework in 1st grade really isn’t fun. Even the twins have homework from preschool and therapy. I’m afraid for when they get into the upper grades.
I’m a little sad that my boys are growing up so fast, but I’m excited for what’s coming next. I love seeing them learn new things, make new friends, and find things they love to do.

After today, we are done with appointments!!!!
We’ve been to the eye doctor, the dentist, and today will be the boys’ 5-year-old wellness visit. I’m pretty sure there are shots involved, so please don’t tell them.
I’ve also been to the dermatologist, eye doctor, ENT, and dentist for myself.
I’m sure we might have a non-wellness visit, but I’m happy to say goodbye to scheduled appointments. At least for another 6 months or so.
No cavities, no glasses, and no major problems = happy, grateful mama
Happy Endings
As you can see, endings don’t always have to be bad. While change is hard, changing your perspective can really help. I’m not always a glass-full type gal, but I’m trying to look on the bright side more often.
With endings always come beginnings, and we’ve got some great things coming up. Hooray for summer!
What are you happy about finishing right now? What are you looking forward to? Do you have any awesome Netflix shows for me to binge next? Kidding (not really!)
I will agree I’m looking forward to the end of the school year and germs. My poor kiddo has had more colds than I can count this year! And I love summer so I’m looking forward to that too!
It’s funny because I have an opposite perspective – being in a library this is the time of year when everything is ramping up and it’s beginnings! But I’m with you on the weather thing. It’s just been weird here. Saturday was 45 degrees and Wednesday was 95! I’m hoping for some actually nice in between spring weather.
Love the photo’s. It all comes down to the way we look at things. In my coaching business, I get people to reframe the picture. Put a positive frame around it – See it differently when they can only see something negative.
I love this! It’s true that not all endings have to be a bad thing. I love that “commencement” for things like graduation actually means beginning, not ending. 🙂 That’s great that soccer ended well – and that you’re happy the boys tried it at least! And oh gosh, I hope there is no more sickness over the summer!
Oh I’m super excited we only have three more days of school, dance is over tomorrow, and I’m ready for summer!!
I love it when the school year wraps up!
Changing your perspective is key to the shift. It isn’t a goodbye or an ending, but a farewell, I’ll see you again sometime. I’ve always said that to people, that way it doesn’t seem so final.
I’m so glad Big C came out strong. Do you think you’ll put him in soccer again or will you let him decide what he wants to do?
Enjoy your summer Momma!!! 🙂