Holding Everything Together When you're in the NICU, everything is a struggle. Your sweet baby is trying to survive physically, while the parents are trying to do the same thing emotionally. Not to mention everything else in your life doesn't stop. There is work, school, family, and just day-to-day living obligations. Holding everything together during an experience like this … [Read more...]
For The Mother’s Health: Karson’s Story
The Mother's Health There are so many reasons for a premature birth. A baby may be born early because of a problem in the womb, a condition in the placenta, or the health of the baby is in jeopardy. One other serious reason a baby may be born early is the mother's health is in danger. Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome are two conditions that can be very serious and … [Read more...]
Every Preemie Journey is Important, Clara’s Story
Preemie Journey When I first started this series, it was called Micro Preemie Monday. I solely focused on babies that weighed less than 2 lbs and were born before 28 weeks and their preemie journey. I thought the stories of the smallest survivors needed to be told because I had two of my own tiny miracles. As time has gone on, I have realized that every preemie journey is … [Read more...]
TTTS, SIUGR, and a Premature Birth
TTTS, SIUGR, and Premature Birth Since December is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) Awareness Month, I wanted to bring you a special Micro Preemie story that is close to my heart. If you've been a long-time reader of my blog, then you know my twins suffered from TTTS, SIUGR, and an extremely premature birth. Today's micro preemie twins fought a similar battle, but … [Read more...]
Twenty five weeks, Amir’s story
Twenty Five Weeks Giving birth at twenty five weeks is scary. There's really no other way to describe it. You are told by countless doctors and professionals that there is no guarantee your baby will come home with you, and even if they do, they may have severe disabilities. At twenty five weeks, your baby is still developing in the womb. They still need to add fat to … [Read more...]