Funk No, I'm not talking about that weird smell coming from the very back of the refrigerator. I'm talking about my mood lately. I've been in a funk. Crabby, moody, and not very nice are all probably ways my family would describe me these last couple days. It's all well deserved and more. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, and letting my emotions get the best of me. … [Read more...]
Back to Routine
Routine Ready I was pretty excited to get back into our routine as the holidays came to an end. I even mentioned it HERE. Even though I had the best intentions, our first day back to reality didn't go exactly as planned. It's not that we have a detailed schedule or routine we stick to every day, but when three messy, silly boys are home all day instead of just two, it … [Read more...]
A Recap of our Week and Previews
It's been a loooooong week over here. I have NOT been sticking to my goal of going to bed every night by 10:15, so I've been pretty tired. We've also had someone stumbling into our bed in the middle of the night, every single night. How is it that someone so small can take up so much room? All the boys have a bit of a summer cold. Summer and Cold should not go together. … [Read more...]