Online Auction An online auction are a great way to raise money for your favorite charity or non-profit organization. I'm going to show you some simple steps so that you can run your own Online Auction...and so you'll participate in mine. What is an Online Auction? I first found out about Online Auctions on Facebook about 3 years ago. Someone had posted a page … [Read more...]
Money-Saving Monday and Target
For my first Money-Saving Monday, I'm going to focus on one of my favorite stores - Target. I do A LOT of shopping at Target. It's conveniently located, it's an easy store to shop because of its wide aisles, and they sell almost everything I need. From diapers to bananas to shoes, Target has it all. Before I was married and had a family, I even worked at Target. I was a … [Read more...]
Fridays and Fundraising
Since I'm going to be saving you a ton of money on Money-saving Mondays, I figured you'll need a place for that extra cash to go. That's why I've come up with Fundraising Fridays! Every Friday in the month of May, I'm going to tell you about one of the Non-profit organizations I support, and focus on what I've learned about fundraising. Now, I don't claim to be a … [Read more...]
Money-Saving and The Month of May
Now that we've almost made it through April, I've started to think about May. April was extremely busy (take a look back HERE if you don't remember,) but I'd rather be busy than bored. Although, with 3 boys, can you ever be bored? I think not. May 1st starts out with kindergarten orientation for my oldest. Yikes! I still can't believe he's going to be in ALL DAY … [Read more...]
Marching and Making goals
Marching for Babies We did it! Marching for babies complete. It was our second year as a family team, and we completed the March for Babies to raise money for the March of Dimes yesterday. It didn't even rain on us! It was a little cold, but we layered everyone up, and it actually didn't feel too bad. Considering the ominous forecast, we had a really good turnout. Here's … [Read more...]